6,800 Videos by Category now listed in one place

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 1 year ago
You can now browse 6,800 Videos in over 100 categories! The categories are the same as the photos by categories that have been around forever. This addition will immediately make you excited in whatever tag or category you're into. FOR PREMIUM USERS * video access that are older than 24h are included in premium anyway—enjoy! FOR FREE USERS * currently you can only watch videos that aren't older than 24h * the current contest's Public Spandexing Videos are enabled to be watched by premium and free users important: I'm thinking of implementing a open category of the day that lets anybody watch certain pages of videos in that category. the category would switch every day or so. what would you think of this?
Last edited: 1 year ago
posted 1 year ago
I think that's a great idea, thanks! Having one fully open category per day strikes a good balance between free and paid accounts I think.