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posted 9 years ago
Hey guys, Ive just been lucky enough to buy a new Adidas Jet concept suit - 30. Unfortunately the zip on the back has broken off (the bit that goes up and down) Can anyone give me any info on how best to fix it? Many thanks

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posted 9 years ago
posted by: ChavLad
Hey guys, Ive just been lucky enough to buy a new Adidas Jet concept suit - 30. Unfortunately the zip on the back has broken off (the bit that goes up and down) Can anyone give me any info on how best to fix it? Many thanks
Wow thats a hot suit und body :) I hope you show off :)
posted 8 years ago
posted by: ChavLad
Hey guys, Ive just been lucky enough to buy a new Adidas Jet concept suit - 30. Unfortunately the zip on the back has broken off (the bit that goes up and down) Can anyone give me any info on how best to fix it? Many thanks
You mean the handle (platten, I think it is called)?
posted 8 years ago
lucky you, get a new zip sewn no other way to fix it. take it to somewhere that repairs clothes Timpson are all over the uk or somewhere like that, possibly order the zip offline yourself find something the same or similar then take with suit for repair