Adult only

Suggestions and site feedback
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
It's an unnecessary default setting for uploaded photos and new members don't seem to pay attention to it - and even if they do, they don't know what it actually means. So problem starts when they expect to get some feedback for their photos, but they don't because free members cannot see them. And I believe there are lot of free members around here. I bet this is one of the reasons many people open their accounts, post some pics and don't stay active. I get that setting as a way of forcing people into paying membership, which is ok from an aspect of keeping this site alive, but it seems to be wrongly directed, because it causes damage to new members unfamiliar with the rules (which don't make much sense, since many truly adult photos are not labeled adult, thus visible to all, and of course large amount of safe photos gets labeled adult only because the setting stays checked as default). I don't oppose to an act of increasing income from this site for what it is, but doing it by confusing and distancing new members from the community is definitely NOT a way to go. Perhaps changing this and finding some new, more profound way to make people support Spandex-party will help this site grow faster, generating more active members, who will more happily spread the word, thus increasing chances to get more paying members. I hope I put this clear enough and I hope it was helpful. P.S. Sorry if my English is incorrect or it sounds strange, it's not my native tongue.
Last edited: 13 years ago
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
I agree with tightass69. Nothing is more disappointing than clicking into a hot profile pic, only to find out all of his pics are not viewable. It would be great if there's a simple explanation of the "adult-only" setting at the time of upload. I also wouldnt mind seeing a few external ads on this site (if the admin wishes) in exchange of more accessible materials for non-subscribers.

tightass69tightass69 liked this.

Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
I agree! Maybe ads from some hot gear so we can shop , pose and add more pics to getmore members . Thanks for bring up the issue!!
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
I can agree to all three of my pre-writers ;-) Does anybody can explain me, how I can change in my profile as a "paying-member" the status quo of my photos from "adult" in other status ? I can´t find nothing a description of it ! Thank you very much in advance for yours support guys ! Andy
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
Dear Andy, I think the only way to change the status of your "adult" photos, is to delete them, and ... upload them again as "non adult" ... ! Good luck & keep us informed ! Speedologo :-)
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
I uploaded all my pictures as "non adult" and when I enter my profile I can see them all. But the other day I was contacted by a fellow member saying the he could not see all of my pictures as they were classified as "adult". Therefore I don't know what information is correct and whether other members can see all my pictures.
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
as a free member id like to upload more than 4 pictures. 10 maybe, i have 100's i feel like i can contribute with lots of pictures instead of money.
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
At least being able to change it later, i.e. when you find out that others cannot see them, would be great.
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
If you accidentally upload files with the wrong setting I can change it for you. Just send me a message or email
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
Thanks, will do. On the topic though, it seems odd that I can't see my own pictures or view my profile (temporarily) as I'm not a paying member.