I don't really know if this is the place to post this but is anyone here ace/homoromantic/demi?
It would be nice to talk to more guys into the aesthetics of spandex.
yeah, i identify as homoromantic/demisexual. i'm out as gay because it's just easier and like... i don't want to have to explain my sexuality to every goddamn person that doesn't know what those terms mean. i also love the term "queer," but again, sometimes people want further explanation and i just don't always have it in me to educate people even if they're genuinely curious and want to learn that it's an umbrella term for not het and/or not cis (because then there are usually more questions lol)
as for my fetish, i think it's kind of an exception. i've only had one encounter with another guy in spandex. he's straight, and we were hanging out and drinking, and i showed him one of my spidey suits. he wanted to try it on, and i agreed on the condition that he not wear anything underneath it. he went into the bathroom to change, and when he came out i asked if i could just... touch him... and i ran my hands along another man's body clad in spandex for the first (and last up to this point) time in my life
long story short, i ended up blowing him and that's the only time i've ever had a "casual" encounter and not felt bad about myself during or afterwards. next time he came over, he brought his newly acquired gf and we played magic the gathering and everything went back to normal from then on
i guess what i'm saying is... i'm happy to talk to you or anyone about it. i heard about demisexuality a while back but didn't look into it, and only really learned about it a few years ago. i guess i'm still figuring out where i fit on the ace spectrum, and i'm okay with that :) i always want to be learning about myself, others, life, love, the universe, everything
I think i'm firmly in the asexual boat too.
I'm romantically interested in women (i'm a man)
But i'm only turned on by spandex (worn by either female or male) eg. under armour shirts, skin tight suits etc. and I love sports gear too such as shiny rugby jerseys or silky football tops etc.
This has made it extremely difficult to build relationships because I'm just not interested in sex.
My exclusive spandex fetish is also something people don't tend to understand.
Happy to talk via PM!