First of all sorry if this is the incorrect place to be posting this, I could't see where else to post it.
I was after some advice for a future encounter I may have at a fancy dress with friends. I currently have the option as going as Batman or Robin, which ever one I chose someone else at the party will be given the other but I won't know who this is till the night when I will be partnered with them.
I like the idea of going as Batman, as it's Bruce Wayne, it's the main character, I can get a utility belt and look awesome. I'm fairly muscular in my shoulders and think I would fill out a tight suit well.
The only benefit I can see as going as Robin is I could probably camp it up allot!
Wanted to get some advice from members, I would need to purchase a costume for either character. I want to get a spandex costume that is tight but comfortable, like the N2N jammers or singlets.
I'd like the costume to cling to my legs, but and body as it will be a chance for me to be in full revealing spandex with friends without feeling awkward if, they will probably think I'm joking and find it funny.
Please let me know your thoughts?