This is a work of fiction. If you want me to write a story with your fantasy just pm me ;-)
Please enjoy my other stories. I would love to get some feedback from you!
The door bell rang. I nearly fell out of my bed as I was still half asleep. I went to the door and opened it. A delivery guy stood before my door and handed me two parcels from Amazon and left. A bit confused I thought
Why would Amazon pack my stuff in two parcels? I just orderes two new USB-C und micro USB cables... I opened the first one and took the contents out. There was a black plastic bag filled with something that didn't feel like cables at all. I ripped it apart and pulled some clothes out of it.
What the hell?! I was holding something sleek, soft and shiny in my hands. Amazed by the feeling I noticed that there was more so I unfolded the bundle of clothes. To my surprise it seemed to be a three piece set consisting of a black shiny sleek sports crop top, matching leggings and a black see through mesh tank top (like
this). I had only two questions in my mind: Why did I receive this parcel and how would it feel on me?
Wait! What? Why should I wear something like this? It's for women! Why am I even asking this? As my thoughts went on my hands still explored and enjoyed the feeling of the outfit and my dick started to twitch. I got horny. And as every horny man knows my mind went from
Why should I do that? to
Fuck, let's do it!
So I went to my bedroom and undressed, revealing a 1,75 m naked slender and hairless body. As I had shoulder lenght hair and no real facial hair, I was often mistaken for a girl. My voice wasn't realy as deep as well but my 18 cm dick was the proof that I was indeed a man. It was like the now semi-errect cock was looking at me in anticipation to fulfill the newly found desire. I grabed the leggings and opened it to take the first step into it. The soft material wrapped smoothly around my ankles so I stepped in with the other leg. Then I slowly pulled it up savoring the feeling of the delicate material clinging to my legs. As I kept pulling it up I could feel waves of excitement rushing through my body. My dick went from semi to hard. The waistband of the leggings finaly reached my groin and the soft material started to envelop my errection. The smooth and tight feeling was overwhelming. It felt like heaven. I pulled it up as far as I could and let my hands explore the now lycra covered legs. Every touch felt like electric surges of pleasure running through me. My dick twitchted lively as I remembered that there were more clothes inside. I took the matching crop top and slipped right into it. Another wave of pleasure rushed through me. The top hugged my upper body tight but was silky at the same time. My nipples grew hard and pushed themself through the thight shiny material. I never thought of my nipples as a erogenous zone but as I played with them it felt so good. To finish the outfit I grabbed the strange see-through tank top and slid it over the tight crop top. It was so light it weight nearly nothing. But as soon as I had it on my I could feel it slither on the smooth fabric of the lycra shirt and lightly tickeling on my exposed belly. The last few centimeters of the mesh shirts covered the first few centimeters of the leggings, covering the tip of my errection outline. Again I let my hands explore my whole body enjoying the sensational feeling of the hot spandex. My dick was already throbbing for excitement.
I need to see how I look! I thought and rushed to the mirror in the hallway because it was the biggest one I had. I was stunned by the image I saw in the mirror. I looked like the sexy girlfriend I ever dreamt of. Like the hot chicks at the gym I admired. But it was no girl I saw. It was me. I delighted in the sight until a knocking at the door brought me back into reality.
I got nervous and look through the door viewer. It was Giulia, my newest neighbor. She was a hot sporty italian woman, a bit older than me and with her height of 1,85 m even taller than me. She wore a shiny dark blue leggings and a matching sports bra (like
this) I opened the door just a crack and stuck my head through. "Hi Giulia! Sorry I'm not propperly dressed. What can I do for you?" "Hey! I was on my way to the gym and just wanted to pick up my parcel." "Your parcel? I don't have any. "You sure? My app tells me that it was given to you." "Let me have a look!" I leaned the door and rushed into the bedroom with a really bad feeling in my stomach.
Am I wearing her fucking clothes? I took the parcel I got the outfit from and indeed, her name was on it. My heart skipped a beat. Wild thoughts rushed through my head:
She knows that you have the parcel so you can't say you don't have it. You can't give it to her as it was already opened up! Shit! What do I do? Then I heard the door close and steps in my hallway. "I think you can pull that off!" she said with a weird undertone in her voice. "What?" "I saw your reflection in the mirror. My new sports outfit really suits you!" I felt like fainting. The steps came closer until she stood in the door frame of my bedroom. "Well... I... ehh... thought it was mine and opened it... but then..." "No need for an explanation darling!" She said with a smirk in her face. "Wow! You look really feminine! Well... besides the obvious bulge of course." "I'm sorry! I just take it off and..." She interrupted me "No! You wanted to wear this so badly, why don't you wear it a bit longer?" "What?" I said in disbelieve. "You heard me! You know, I always wanted a little sister and here is my chance!" she slowly started walking towards me. "So why don't we show the world what a beautiful little sister I have? You will go to the gym with me! If you don't I will sue you for stealing my stuff and sexual harassment!" Inside of me was a strange mixture of fear and arousal but I had no choice. "Ok, I'll do it!" Her mood changed instantly as she smiled at me and said "Great! If someone asks your name is Angelina, but everyone can call you angel!" Then she giggled. "But first of all, we need to fix your hair. Women should have a braid in the gym." She did my hair into a braid and smiled. "There you go! And try to keep that thing down!" She reached out for my bulge and brushed it slightly with her index finger. "You don't want to to ebarrass me or yourself, sweety!" "As you command!"
What did I just say? As you command? What is happening here? "Good! Then let's go."
I followed her outside in fear that maybe another neighbor might see me but that didn't happen. Walking was difficult. My still semi hard member felt way too good beeing wrapped inside the silky tightness of the leggings. My upper body just made it worse as the sleek top rubbing my nipples an the mesh shirt tickeling my tummy felt so erotic. As we sat in her car and drove to her gym I was silent. I couldn't think of anything to say, focused on getting soft again or at least not harder as I was right now. Moments later Giulia turned into a driveway onto a big parking lot. In front of us was an all female gym and a super market. The car stopped in a parking space far away from the entrance. "This is where I... I mean... where we are going every Monday, Thursday and Friday." I just nodded.
Do I really need to do this that often? What did you get yourself into again? "Good! If you listen well I'll might reward you later." A naughty smile appeared in her face. Giulia left her car, I just followed. I think she picked this far away parking spot just to expose me more to the public and tease me with it. I felt nervous, as if everyone was looking at me and knew what was going on. A light breeze blew around my exposed stomach area. I felt like an absolute pervert, but somehow it didn't feel wrong. We passed some people that looked at me but it seemed like they liked the view. Some guys even turned around. Finaly we entered the gym. The air was thick and warm. Even though the building had air conditioning you could sense a faint smell of sweat. All the exercise machines in the gym were occupied by women. Most of them really hot and packed in revealing lycra. And now, I was going to be one of them.
The woman at the counter greeted Giulia "Hey sweety! Nice to see you again. With company I assume?" "Yes, that's Angelina." "Hi, nice to meet you, Angelina!" "Hi!" I said shyly. "But... ehh... everyone calls me Angel, so if you'd like to..." "Sure, Angel! Wow, she's cute!" The woman said. "Have fun you two!" A buzzing sound came from a small turnstile and Guilia went right through. I followed in silence. We walked past some women doing their workout. Most of them wore tight and revealing lycra sport clothes that sticked on their body because of their swaet revealing their curves very well. I felt my dick twitching in exictement.
Damn, I need to calm the fuck down! But how should I do that with all these women around me? Damn... I tried to regain my focus. Giula and I finaly entered the locker room. She placed her sports bag on the bench and grabbed two drinking bottles and two towels and passed me one of each. "Here! You need a towel to use the machines and this helps you to stay hydrated." She winked at me. "Thanks, sis!" I said.
Did you just call her sis? What's wrong with you? - But she asked me to be her sister. I'm just playing my role. My overthinking just stopped as I saw Giulia smile at me. Her smile was hypnotizing. So warm and loving. I really wanted to make her happy. "Let's go, sis!" She said, grabed my hand and directed me to the training area.
At first we did some cardio and jogged on a treadmill. It was hard to keep up with Giulia, who seemed to be very well trained. I caught myself gazing at her perfectly round shiny ass moving inside her leggings and her boobs moving a bit inside her shiny top. My dick enjoyed the view as well and got hard again. As soon as I noticed my bulge showing again, I tried to keep my eyes off her. But everywhere I looked, there were other hot chicks.
Damn! Focus man! If they find out it will be really bad... This is like heaven in hell... I decided that the only direction I could look at was down, on the small monitor of the treadmill and focus on getting soft again. After a while I started to sweat, soaking the lycra in it so it clinged even more to my body. Even the mesh top was stuck on my exposed belly.
Fuck! Why does this have to feel so good. No wonder women love to wear this kind of clothing. It feels so sexy and ... Suddenly I felt a slap on my butt. "Hey, enough cardio. Let's start with the workout!" "Oh, ehh... ok!" Was the only thing I could stutter, still in fear that someone might notice my bulge. Giulias hand was still feeling up my butt. "You know, you have a great ass!" "T-thanks!" "You need to drink something, sweety! Stay hydrated!" I did as she said and drank from the water she gave me.
Then we went to an area with yoga mats on the ground. "We'll do some planks, push-ups and sit-ups here. Watch and learn." She got onto the ground and explained what she was doing. "First, we do a plank. This exercise is similiar to a push-up but you hold you weight on the forearms, elbows and toes. Hold this position as long as you can." I nodded and got into position. Then she started a timer. Trying to hold this position I felt strangely hot. Like some heat was spreading inside of me.
What is this feeling? Is it because of the sport I'm not used to do? It's not bad though! I felt a pain in my arms, back and legs. "I can't hold it much longer, sis!" I said. "C'mon, ten more seconds!" The seconds passed and Giula started to sit down and stop the timer. I sat down as well and noticed that my dick felt more sensitive. The friction of the lycra against my dick felt somehow more intense than before and the heat increased as well. "Sis, I feel weird, like I'm overheating or something." "That's totaly normal. Here, maybe you need some more water." She passed me the bottle and I drank everything in it. "Wow, someone's really thirsty!" She said, smiled and giggled. "Let's continue with sit-ups. You know how these work, right?" "Yes, I do." "Good, then do 20 for the start." I got my self into position and started the sit-ups. Again the lycra felt even more intense then the last time as I moved in it. My dick grew harder then ever and the heat started to rise again spreading through my body with every sit-up I did. "Hey! You're using your legs to get up, that's cheating!" Giulia said and sat down on my thighs without a warning. Her hands move to the sides of my hip, holding me firm as she counted the repititions. I felt her sweaty warmth emiting through her leggings but this wasn't the only thing I could feel. My whole body felt so hot like having fever and my dick and nipples were pulsating. "18... 19... and 20! Great job! But this here could be a problem!" Giulia placed her right hand on my full erection that was fully visible through my leggings. "I don't feel so well Giulia. I..." "Ok, let's head back, shall we? I don't want my precious sister to get sick." She pushed herself further on my lower body, rubbing her wet pussy against my dick as she got up.
Mhh... Did she do this by mistake? Is she wet or just sweaty? Damn, she's driving me nuts! My cock was twitching and I felt so fucking horny but I needed to calm down. I held my now empty bottle near my bulge and tried to cover it up. We went to the locker room, Giulia got her bag and we left. For the small duration of the car ride, my dick wouldn't bother to get even a bit softer.
Arriving at home I didn't knew what to do.
Do I ask her to come in with me? No, she will think that I just left to have sex with her. but what if... My thoughts came to a quick end when Giulia said "I'll bring you inside. I don't want anything happen to you, sis!" "Yeah, eh... thanks!" I unlocked the door to my apartment and went right in, Giulia followed me and closed the door. "You know... You did well for you first time! Well at least for the few exercises we did. Next time I hope you'll do the full training session with me and get used to it." "Thanks. I didn't really did a lot of sports, so it might take some time until I get used to it." "I don't mean getting used to sports, dummy! I mean this potency drugs I mixed into the water!" "The what?" Giulia grabbed my hand, pulled my closer to her and kissed me. Her tongue entered my mouth and played wildly with mine. She placed her right hand gently on the back of my head continuing her violent kiss as her left hand grabbed my right buttcheeck, pulled my lower body closer to her and pressed my bulge against her. My hands slid on her perfect round ass, pressing her groin against me as well. We kissed so long that her wetness started to soak into my leggings as well. She must have been as horny as I was. Then she pulled her tongue out of my mouth, seperating our lips ripping the small thread of our mixed slavia that still connected us for a short time. "Let's start the last part of our workout session in your bedroom!"
She pulled me over to my bedroom and threw me onto my bed. My dick was so hard it felt like it would explode anytime. Then she sat on top of me rubbing her ass and clit up and down on my bulge, making her juices flow right onto my dick. "Wow, you're throbbing so much down there... Do you enjoy my firm ass?" "Yes, your ass is perfect!" "Then have more of it!" She lay down on me, pressing her ass on my lycra covered dick, which entered her asscrack nicely. Her ass covered with the delicate material of her leggings rubbing agains my lycra bulge felt amazing like her ass was eating me up. My hands moved to her breasts massaging then through the lycra. They were heavy but soft. I could feel her nipples getting harder and harder so I additionaly rubbed them with my thumbs. A soft moan escaped her. "Mhhhh... Yes! But I want to feel good down here too!" She guided my left hand down to her pussy which was overflowing with juices. I rubbed her clit throught her leggings while the other hand still fondled her perfect breasts. Another moan. Then I slowly entered with two fingers. I went in with my index and middlefinger while my thumb played with her clit. I kissed her neck and started liking her sweat from there "Fuck, yeah! That's it!" She screamed increasing her rimjob speed and clenching her checks. I moaned too. "You sound even girly when you moan! You're so freaking cute, Angel!" I felt that I was close to cum and wanted to tell her but then suddenly Giulia moaned loud and squirted all over me. Immediately after that I came as well shooting a enormous load through the leggings inside her ass. Giulia turned around, smiling at me. "Mhhh... that was great for the first set." "First set?"
Again she kissed me, then her lips wandered down my neck to my nipples which she started to lick and suck. "Look at this naughty little tits. You're such a pervert! A man looking like a girl wearing my sports clothes. So delicious!" I moaned again. The sucktion on my nipples felt so good. Then Giulia traveled further down to my belly, licking me at first through the mesh fabric then lifting it up to kiss and lick my bare tummy and navel. "You have such soft skin, Angel! Like a real woman!" Again I moaned. I never thought my navel could be this erogenous but maybe it was because of the drugs she gave me. "If it wasn't for your dick, you could actually be mistaken for a woman!" Her lips were on my dick now, kissing the glans. Then her tongue moved around my cock, eating the remains from my cum. "You know, proteins are essential for the workout so we shouldn't be wasting it!" "Oh!" Again I could only give off a huge moan as the pleassure overcame me. "How about a direct injection?" Giulia asked with a smile. Then she pulled my leggings down a bit, freeing my cock from the tight lovely prison of lycra only to pull her leggings a bit down next, revealing her wet pussy to me. Giulia grabbed my still hard cock inserting it slowly into her. She was so incredibly tight and wet, my dick felt like melting. She went up and down slightly increasing in speed and force with every thrust. "Your dick is so big and thick, I can feel it deep inside my body! Ohh!" Giulia said. Her hand wandered to my chest again rubbing my nipples and I returned the favor. We both moaned again loud. "I'm about to cum!" she said and kissed me again without stopping to carress my chest. My hands went over to her ass, kneading her cheeks and fucking her rough this time. After a few moment we came simulataneously. My body felt light like a feather in the wind. She was still on top of me and tried to catch her breath. Shortly after that she rolled besides me, looked me into the eyes and gave me a kiss. "You are the best sister I could have ever imagined!" I smiled back at her. "Thanks!" "Keep that outfit, it's yours. Sisters share their clothes if their are close to each other." Then she giggled.
The next morning. I woke up and looked at the clock. 10 a.m..
Just five more minutes... I thought. Then the door bell rang. I got up as fast as I could and opened the door. The delivery guy stood right before my door, smiling at me. "Hey... ehh... This is for you!" He blushed handed me a parcel. "Thanks!" I said as he nodded and rushed away.
What's wrong with him? He didn't seem to be this timid yesterday . I closed the door and went back to my bedroom. Wlaking past the mirror I noticed that I still wore the black shiny lycra set Giulia made me wear.
Well that explains it... I thought. My dick got semi again, seeing myself in the mirror. I enjoyed the view until I remembered the parcel. I opened it up and pulled a black plastig bag out. I opened it and found some pink shiny lycra leggings and a matching cropped lycra sweatshirt (like
this). The material felt smooth in my hands. I wondered about how it would look and feel on me as a knocking on my door interrupted these thought. "Hey, this is Giulia! I think you got my parcel!"