Best Thongs -- Minimum Coverage, Maximum Bulge

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posted 8 years ago
I've been into speedos and singlet since I swam and wrestled in high school and college, and later got into football pants. I wear lycra to work out at the gym, but with shorts over top because of where I go. I've never been a thong guy but this site has changed my mind. What are your best suggestions for thongs that create the biggest bulge and have minimum coverage. Let me at it! Go! Thanks!
posted 8 years ago
For minimum coverage and maximum bulge - there are a lot of good options. I would suggest starting with Fireboy, Arroyman, and Gregg Homme. Note with some of the Fireboy thongs, you should have a good sized package.
posted 8 years ago
Jovana, tendenze, TM and koala are good too
posted 8 years ago
Muscleskins 👍🏻

thongguy2thongguy2 liked this.

posted 8 years ago
Thanks guys, getting the body into final summer shape and then can't wait to start posting pics soon!!
posted 8 years ago
Joe Snyder and N2N are also good choices!