Blank profiles

posted 11 months ago
as I said before in a previous post, some folks may not be comfortable posting pix or may just want to hold off.. I also understand the view point it would seem that those with blank profiles have a bit of a Un Fair advantage at the same time. They can see you but you can't see them. before I engage with a Faceless or blank profile, I always ask for a photo. if they don't provide one I politely excuse myself from the conversation and say Sorry I won't converse with with you because you have an unfair advantage you can see me but I can't see you. then I let it go at that....
Deleted user
posted 11 months ago
posted by: jtalbot812
as I said before in a previous post, some folks may not be comfortable posting pix or may just want to hold off.. I also understand the view point it would seem that those with blank profiles have a bit of a Un Fair advantage at the same time. They can see you but you can't see them. before I engage with a Faceless or blank profile, I always ask for a photo. if they don't provide one I politely excuse myself from the conversation and say Sorry I won't converse with with you because you have an unfair advantage you can see me but I can't see you. then I let it go at that....
Fair point there mate