Bought my first Speedo before lycra shorts

How I got into Spandex
Deleted user
posted 15 years ago
As a teenager in the eighties, it was almost impossible to not have something made of lycra. In the early eighties, I wanted so bad to have a swimsuit like the guys on the Olympics. I scrimped and saved and finally had enough to buy a racer suit. It felt a little awkward the first time, but things got easier as time went on. During summer break, I would wear the suit to suntan in the back yard. Needless to say, I got quite a few cat-calls but it was all good. I purchased my first pair of shorts after seeing a guy playing an arcade game at the local mall. He was wearing a white football scrimmage jersey (the kind that is made of mesh) and black lycra shorts with pink side panels. I couldn't take my eyes off that sight. I just had to have a pair of those shorts. I was working at the local YMCA and happened to stumble across a catalog of swim gear. I found the Hind tri-shorts and got my money together. When they came in the mail, I couldn't wait to put them on. I knew right away the underwear was a faux pas so I got down to my birthday suit and started to pull them on. It was the most erotic sensation I had ever felt and I couldn't get enough. I wore them everywhere and at first was a little nervous outside the house. As I watched people, they would always look up and down. That helped to boost my confidence and it soon became an everyday thing that didn't bother me. I actually got compliments from people. I have been a lycra fan since and will always stop and take notice.

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