English is second language. Sorry for any grammer mistake.
A short story happened 14 years ago when I was 16. I was on a bus going to YMCA downtown San Francisco for a swim. I was wearing my speedo spandex swim shorts underneath my track pants. It was during rush hour so was the bus was full. I was standing and older man was right behind me. Suddenly something on my buttcheeks and it was moving, and then I realized it was his hand. I only speak very little english and such thing never happen to me before, I was scared and I didn't know what to do so I did nothing, after a few min of rubbing my buttsheeks thu my pants, he put him hand inside my pants, the waist band on my pants wasn't too tight so it was easy for him. he went straight for my asshole, he pressed him finger so hard almost into my hole thru my speedo short. surprisingly I got real hard as soon as he did that! And he moved his hand to my front side and started to rubbing my cock! I couldn't believe it I actually enjoy it very much! so I let him touch however he want, I even missed my stop! It last almost 20min and suddenly he just pulled his hand away and left the bus. Ever since I alway take the same bus during rush hour on purpose and sadly it never happened again!
for everyone saying they love this story what is wrong with you?!
A 16 year old kid gets sexually assaulted on a bus and you like the thought of that?!