Casual Zentai Encounters

How I got into Spandex
posted 2 weeks ago
I wasn't sure what to call it this topic, but zentai has been a part of regular culture just much less than sports spandex. For example in costumes or greenscreen. As well as when morphsuits were a thing. (Sadly they are not anymore) What zentai have you encountered in person or on the internet? I have stumbled upon the trend of a guessing game. Example five Mexicans and one not Mexican. And they all wear zentai. It's silly since they could just be in a separate room. But hey they all wear zentai, so I can't complain. I also saw a guy walking around town in zentai when I was in college. Probably did it as a way to mess with people. But I wish I would have taken a photo with him. *Also I realize this should go into the other forum, but i dont know how to delete this.
Last edited: 2 weeks ago

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