Circus perfomers in lycra

Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
Has anyone seen a video I can't find any more of three circus performers in different coloured lycra who move across a space as if training for an act. They gently brush across each other in an erotic but almost accidental way. It was quite a long time ago but I thought it was great as they kept the lycra on.
Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
I think you mean"Under the Big top" Sarava Productions.
Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
Hi M8 yeah called "Under the Big top" but they is another flim called this (more out door action). There's a link to apart of it - - 3 LYCRA GUYS STRECHING AND FUCKING about just over 30mins. I had the full film some where.....enjoy ....I defo did
Last edited: 11 years ago
Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
It must have been Under the Big Top. I think it was on YouTube for a while. The link above doesn't seem to have as much of the beginning in their tights which is what I liked. Is there any more links for the early bits or any other video with people "accidentally" touching each other in lycra. The naked stuff is all a bit like any porno. Thanks Robb that is very hot just watching.
Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
I have always loved this video. Here you go :)
Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
posted by: robb
Hi M8 yeah called "Under the Big top" but they is another flim called this (more out door action). There's a link to apart of it - - 3 LYCRA GUYS STRECHING AND FUCKING about just over 30mins. I had the full film some where.....enjoy ....I defo did
Great Stuff!!! HOT!!!