Current status feature suggestion

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 3 weeks ago
Was thinking that I would love the option of posting a current status to my profile. It would have an expiration time drop-down like 60/90/180 minutes to reinforce the idea that it's current and immediate. I would personally use it as "Heading out for a run in my red Skins shorts" or "At the gym in my Amoresy" and would like it to expire automatically so people don't think I'm out running at 4 AM three days later. Optional feature of pic of the gear in question; maybe just a thumbnail on the collapsed profile page. That said, I haven't thought about "how would people misuse this" which I realize is a real issue for any website. Anyway, about to head out for a bike ride in my tan MoreLife bibs, sleeveless DeSoto jersey and shiny Rufskin sleeve-shirt thing.
Last edited: 2 weeks ago

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posted 3 weeks ago
this reminds me of the status feature of instagram. it's a cute way of telling others what you're up to. or invite them to message/reply to your status directly into your DMs. it might make sense to have this with a better friends/following list that is currently online. so you see who is doing what, who is in the mood for a sexy chat or even cam chat.

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