Cycling geared guys in porn... Where are they?

posted 5 years ago
Hey everyone! I wanted to make a topic for this subject for a while now. I'd like to collect all the porn with actual cycling gear in it. Bib shorts, skinsuits etc.. It's such a shame that we have such few amount of videos we could enjoy. Am I the only one who's missing this type of content? If you found something or even shot a video yourself please feel free to share it with the community. Here's one I really like even though the quality is kinda bad. Skinsuit session And an other one I've been enjoying for years now. Random access Huge fan of blackshinyrubber's vids wish he made more related to cycling gear. Please note that this topic mainly focuses on sex videos I know you can find a ton of vids of jerking off.
posted 5 years ago
blackshinyrubber's Random Access is my favorite one. Here's some of my favorites: (Very hot guys kissing and feeling each other in skinsuits) (Both are in cycling skinsuits) (I love how the guy squirms during orgasm) (one of blackshinyrubber's vids) gaychili's cycling vids are also hot: This one has him shooting in his skinsuit, while THIS one has him shooting through a hole in his suit. A good one to get a load off of.
posted 5 years ago
posted by: welshguy21
its one of my favourites too, and as a cyclist I've often hoped something like that would happen to me one day!

BikeCourierPunkBikeCourierPunk liked this.

posted 5 years ago
oh yeah. they have hot videos.

BikeCourierPunkBikeCourierPunk liked this.

posted 5 years ago
posted by: BulgeHunting
oh yeah. they have hot videos.
I'll love to see you in one :P

BikeCourierPunkBikeCourierPunk liked this.

posted 5 years ago
would love to see some good quality ones with lads just pumping their hot loads over another lads lycra clad ass, and then letting that lad turn him round and ride his ass until he spunks his hot load right up inside him. turns him round with his lycra bib-shorts up and shows him pushing it out into the crack of his shorts.. now THAT would get me spunking my shorts..!
posted 5 years ago
Falcon studio had several movies Spokes 1, 2 and 3 from a few years ago, Falcon studio DVD link

BikeCourierPunkBikeCourierPunk liked this.

posted 5 years ago
posted by: Luv4lyc
Best Vdeo I have seen EVER! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

BikeCourierPunkBikeCourierPunk liked this.

posted 5 years ago
Ooh nice. It doesn't look like a full version? cos i'll like to see how the cyclists got down to it after arriving back, rather than jumping to sex straight away.

BikeCourierPunkBikeCourierPunk liked this.

posted 5 years ago
Ooh thanks :)

BikeCourierPunkBikeCourierPunk liked this.

posted 5 years ago
posted 4 years ago
Anything new? Much of these videos have been taken down sadly :(
Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
Try this one - an oldie but a goody! Especially if you like euro muscle types. Not a bad movie overall mostly farmer themed but from 1.04 there's a HOT scene with 3 horny cyclists!
posted 4 years ago
posted by: Luv4lyc
Try this one - an oldie but a goody! Especially if you like euro muscle types. Not a bad movie overall mostly farmer themed but from 1.04 there's a HOT scene with 3 horny cyclists!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!