Discovering my lust.... 4 THONGS!

How I got into Spandex
Deleted user
posted 8 years ago
If you read my other story, you know my dad wore thongs while I was growing up. So, I grew up really chill thinking all guys wore man thongs at home while watching tv and drinking a beer. You'll know that when I hit puberty I couldn't resist sneaking one of my dads and trying it on and accidentally cumming inside it! But, what I didn't know is that man thongs would be all I could think about and crave during puberty until now. I would come home after school, go right to my dads underwear drawer and get a thong out to play in it. I would love looking in the mirror in his room standing in nothing but that tiny little piece of fabric covering my pouch, and turning around to see a tiny little thong strap between my cheeks! My lust grew! I got more brand too. I started wearing my dads man thongs under my jeans even when he got home from work. I got SO HORNY knowing I had on a tiny skimpy man thong secretly! I would be hard under the table during dinner! Sometimes just leaking pre cum into the pouch of the thong until it was soaking wet against my virgin bulge! A few times I think my pre cum leaked so much that it seeped through my pants. My dad noticed my biker in my sweats one night and told me to go to the bathroom to "tame my king cobra" I went right to my room and pulled my dick out and started rubbing it as the thong caressed it and pullled into my hole! Stupid me I didn't shut my door all the way and my dad walked by and saw me Text me if: you're comfortable sharing pics of you too! And want to chat more :) 415-494-7319
Last edited: 8 years ago
posted 8 years ago
Really interesting story! And how did your father react? In general he seems to be quite chilled :D
Deleted user
posted 8 years ago
My dad was super chill! He was a guy who thonged around the house and watched porn in the living room after I went to bed! He knew I was at the time where masturbating would take over my life at home lol!
posted 8 years ago
OMG SUPER HOT !!!!!Awesome story...more please!!!!

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 7 years ago
When I got my first studio apt after college I was only in a thong at home and loved it. I started dating this guy and invited him over and when he walked in he flipped. He was in thongs shortly after full time. Dating girls was always fun because they didn’t know what to say as my beach wear was skimpier than theirs. If we were dating it was thongs only at my apt. Once I converted guys and girls to beach thongs they lived it

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.