Hi there,
as I tend to write some longer stories for this forum, it is a bit confusing to rework or correct some parts of it, because the editing box is kinda small. So if I am looking for a specific part of the text it is hard to find and you have to scroll for a long time. It would be cool if the box would be bigger or maybe we could adjust the editing box by pulling it as big or small as we need it to be with our mouse.
Also I tried to post the german version of my story right before the english version and hide it with the spoiler function (I wrote the last two stories in german first and used AI to help me translate it into english as my german vocabulary is bigger). I tried to do it as the BBcode help page stated, but it didn't work. Maybe it's some kind of bug? It's not that important but as I already finished the story in german, I thought I might still share it so that the german speaking users can read it a bit easier.
Thank you :D