Elastic Neon - In The Garden (Short Story)

Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
SYNOPSIS: When hot, Danish, sex god, Joaquin decides to explore the tropical garden inside the "Sunsets" resort in Palm Springs, CA he discovers a private cottage with an unlocked door, and becomes curious to see what is inside. Little does Joaquin know, that an admirer of his is following him, and trying to get closer to him! Hope you enjoy this one! Only 7 more of the "Elastic Neon" stories to be posted before I wait to publish the whole book! (That's when you'll be able to read them all). Be sure to check out these other "Elastic Neon" stories (listed in chronological order) (all available to download for free, right here in the Spandex Party Forum): ALEX - INTRODUCTION JAY & BEN ANGELO BROCK & CHARLIE "THONG GAMES" "THE PINK PANTIES" "JAY'S RELEASE"
Last edited: 11 years ago

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