fake profile

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 1 year ago
I took action, thanks for the report! I'll get the report system up and running in the next 1-2 weeks. Then one one can flag pictures and profiles much easier.
posted 1 year ago

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 1 year ago

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 1 year ago
RE Fake pix..... or profiles... If you see someone using your photos on another site IE Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, You can File a DMCA report. Its actually pretty easy to do. usually the photos that are being used without your permission will usually be taken down within 24 to 48 hours tops.... ON here id just contact the admin let him know whats going on if someone else is using your pix or a friends pix without consent.

Deleted userDeleted user liked this.

Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
jump_ua Adrian123 Hemmo beachguy1 privyet02 Jackdaniels all blank
posted 1 year ago
posted by: Lycralad41
jump_ua Adrian123 Hemmo beachguy1 privyet02 Jackdaniels all blank
Blank profiles doesn't mean that they're fake right away. Sometimes they need some time to lurk and get comfortable themselves. We could onboard new users better on the site and guide them to fill out more parts of their profile quicker for instance
posted 1 year ago
posted by: Lycralad41
jump_ua Adrian123 Hemmo beachguy1 privyet02 Jackdaniels all blank
You can't go by Blank profiles...... Your Profile was blank not very long ago you didn't have any photos or any words written in your profile. Blank doesn't mean Fake. Also if someone is talking to you and they block you. that don't mean they are fake either. People block others for different reasons... Maybe they just don't want to talk anymore. That don't mean they are fake.

8eight88eight8 liked this.

posted 1 year ago
posted by: spandexpartyadmin
posted by: Lycralad41
jump_ua Adrian123 Hemmo beachguy1 privyet02 Jackdaniels all blank
Blank profiles doesn't mean that they're fake right away. Sometimes they need some time to lurk and get comfortable themselves. We could onboard new users better on the site and guide them to fill out more parts of their profile quicker for instance
Dear Admin, I agree.
posted 1 year ago
posted by: Lycralad41
jump_ua Adrian123 Hemmo beachguy1 privyet02 Jackdaniels all blank
Dear Lycralad41.... PS Im gonna block you.... You were a Hypocrite..... YOu call people Fake because they have no profile or a blank profile.... Yet Not long ago when you started this thread calling someone fake because they blocked you, You had NOTHING in your profile... Pot Meet Kettle

8eight88eight8 liked this.

Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
I hid my pics to stop these blank profiles viewing me and protecting myself I had no issue with you or other genuine people seeing me so your comment is unjustified and night of rudeness! But block me if you like doesn’t bother Me
Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
Not surprised 8eight8 like your comment 🤣🤣 no wonder I left this site before to get away from toxic people like you…
Deleted user
posted 1 year ago
Oh and FYI it was jocknballet who started this thread 11 months ago not me so maybe get your facts right?!!
posted 1 year ago
posted by: Lycralad41
Not surprised 8eight8 like your comment 🤣🤣 no wonder I left this site before to get away from toxic people like you…
Did somebody mention my name? 🤔
posted 1 year ago
Alright, alright. we go in a wrong direction here. Let's keep the topic in this new thread where you can report fake profiles: https://spandexparty.com/forum/post/fake-profiles-13887 Cheers yall

Deleted userDeleted user,8eight88eight8,gentilefemeregentilefemere,cplethngcplethng liked this.