Feedback thread for Beta testing: Uploading photos & videos

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 2 years ago
Hey yall, I enabled enabled the first iteration of the Upload functionality on You'll find it on the top right labeled "+ Upload". In this iteration, you can drop or select:
  • single images or videos
  • max size is 200MB
The videos will take a few seconds to appear, as they're going through some conversion and optimisation. Important: since this is a test and beta, images and videos uploaded on won't appear on If you just wanna try it with any arbitrary image or video, make sure to check the "Private" checkbox, so can participate in this test but not actually share stuff publicly for other users to see.
  • Goal #1 for this test: see if the server can handle uploads of any accepted file format (image and videos)
  • Goal #2 for this test: gathering improvements for the upload process
Would be amazing if we could gather some feedback regarding this right in this thread. I'll prioritise it accordingly. Cheers!
posted 2 years ago
Just tried to upload something, drag and drop fine, add a caption, click upload and % progress moves to 100% then nothing. So it's not clear if that worked or not.

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 2 years ago
posted by: sequential
Just tried to upload something, drag and drop fine, add a caption, click upload and % progress moves to 100% then nothing. So it's not clear if that worked or not.
Thank you for checking it out! from the logs I found the culprit and this case should be fixed now. if you find some time, could you check again? Really appreciate it.
posted 2 years ago
Uploaded ok this time and got a confirmation. Weird thing now is that when looking at the new videos page, I see someone else's video thumbnail with my username. Also every single video thumbnail I click now shows as "video is still processing..."
posted 2 years ago
posted by: sequential
Uploaded ok this time and got a confirmation. Weird thing now is that when looking at the new videos page, I see someone else's video thumbnail with my username. Also every single video thumbnail I click now shows as "video is still processing..."
Gotcha. that's my posing example video that I used for testing (taking from youtube). Some more race conditions to iron out. Thanks for taking part in the testing! will investigate after lunch. Cheers.
posted 2 years ago
the video conversion had had some kind of caching in place. removed it and for my tests it looks like the right thumbnails for videos are now generated. cheers!
posted 2 years ago
file format tests so far looking good: mpeg2 (mp2) H264 (mp4) Quicktime (mov) Windows Media (wmv) 4K size H264 mp4 seemed to cause it to get stuck processing, even though file was less than 9mb Also tried to break it by uploading a 200+ mb file, upload just stops increasing % when I assume the file size limit got reached.

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 2 years ago
posted by: sequential
file format tests so far looking good: mpeg2 (mp2) H264 (mp4) Quicktime (mov) Windows Media (wmv) 4K size H264 mp4 seemed to cause it to get stuck processing, even though file was less than 9mb Also tried to break it by uploading a 200+ mb file, upload just stops increasing % when I assume the file size limit got reached.
Amazing feedback, thanks so much!