Fiction: Triathlon fun (chapter 1)

posted 9 years ago
The following is pure fiction, and the first of a few chapters I'm planning to write. Love to hear your thoughts, so send me a message ... --------------------------------------- Dawn was breaking over the beach, the sound of small choppy waves broken only by the murmurs of an unseen group of young men nearby. Chris felt the sand between his toes, walking along the water’s edge as a small reprieve from the warm night before. Sleep had been uncomfortable, and the weariness was setting in with the temperature already 25 degrees (77 F) at just 6am. This was going to be a hot day ahead. Gentle waves crashed over his feet, and he felt himself lost in the morning daze. Snapping back to the moment, the nearby group of guys emerged from behind a life saving club building and toilet block, now pushing expensive bicycles. Large sport bags were draped over their shoulders and each carried a bike helmet. Chris notice that each of the young men, who he guessed were in their late teens or early 20s, wore matching black triathlon suits. The shoulder straps of their lycra suits hung loosely over their waists, and their otherwise bare chests covered by t-shirts. Without thinking, he followed the young triathletes toward the event area, watching from a respectable distance. Eventually the four guys were part of a growing crowd of hundreds, made up of athletes of all shapes, sizes and ages, though most were men. He noticed one of the group he followed walk toward a marquee to collect their race numbers before joining a short line of athletes. Chris was intrigued by the scale of the event, with every minute the noise level, crowd size and air of pre-race nervousness growing. He felt nervous himself for a brief moment, then tried to dismiss it. ‘I’m not racing today’, he thought to himself. ‘I’m just here to watch and see if I could get through one of these races.’ The young guy in the black lycra triathlon suit continued to capture his attention, and he somehow focused on him among what must be now almost 1000 athletes. Bouncy blonde hair, a captivating nervous smile and strong arms of a swimmer, he seemed the perfect triathlete specimen. As the young athlete reached the front of the line, he removed his t-shirt. Chris paused, unaware of his stare from the distance. He noticed the athlete’s suit shoulder straps dangle above a well-rounded butt, then as he lifted the straps over his shoulders to pull the black lycra suit over his torso, the spandex fabric clung tightly to his upper body. With the singlet-shaped one piece suit now in position, an official with a thick texta wrote the athlete’s race number just above one of his bulging biceps. The young man then raised a leg onto a box before the official, allowing him to write a corresponding number on the back of a toned calf muscle, which Chris saw was fully shaved like the rest of the athlete’s firm legs. Aware now of his stare, Chris shook himself ‘what’s wrong with me?’ he thought. The black suited athlete now fully ‘numbered’ turned suddenly, walking toward Chris. His eyes followed the line of the tight suit, surprised the young man could fit in something so small, until they fell on the outline of his large bulge. Immediately embarrassed, Chris tried to look away, now aware the athlete was now almost in front of him, smiling. “Sorry mate, just need to get this bike,” the athlete said to Chris, now aware he was standing in front of a bike rack used by competitors while they collected race numbers for the event. Chris smiled back, apologising for his dazed glance, then wandered over to the transition area where hundreds of athletes filed in with expensive bicycles and other equipment before setting up their areas for the race. An audible groan fell over the hundreds in the transition preparing as the race announcer over the speakers declared that “wetsuits are banned for today’s triathlon because the water temperature is already 23 degrees”. Chris had learned earlier from his work colleague Joel that wetsuits gave extra buoyancy during the swim leg of the triathlon and were popular for the additional speed they gave swimmers. He then remembered Joel, the friend he’d come to watch and support during the race. ‘Where is he?’ Chris thought to himself, nervous that it was at Joel’s urging that he come along, watch him at an event and see that he had what it took to get through a short triathlon of just 300 metres swim, 8 kilometres on the bike and a 3 kilometre run. Joel was always encouraging Chris to start with a short one like this then graduate to longer distances as his confidence and fitness grew. He looked around again for Joel. He knew his 22 year old work colleague would be wearing a royal blue triathlon suit and looked for his club’s tent near the beach to see if he could at last find someone he knew. While Joel was a few years younger than Chris, they both worked at a city law firm. Chris was a graduate lawyer, still assigned the long hours and crappy administrative work for the firm’s partners, while Joel was a law student working part-time to pay for university. While 22 years, Joel had the body the size of a 16 year old. A mature young man, smart and determined, he stood only 5 ft 2”. Clean shaven, with short dark hair and a cheeky grin that stretched almost permanently from ear to ear, he seemed to be almost always reminding the partners that he wasn’t some dumb teenager on high school work experience, but a promising young lawyer in the making. Chris on the other hand was 25 years old, tall and thin. Often the talk of young ladies around the law firm for his skinny, tight work suits he’d wear around the office, he’d flirt with the receptionists and female lawyers who couldn’t take their eyes off his firm butt and clearly well-endowed nature sitting not so subtly behind his suit trousers. He even noticed the glances at his crotch from some of the senior male partners who some swore his trousers were so tight they were almost painted on his athletic legs. The attention didn’t bother him. He knew he was good looking, in his prime, and he loved the attention of both the men and the women in the office. At times he felt he could get away with murder and even so, there’d be no shortage of lawyers male and female ready to defend him. Earlier in the week Chris had succumbed to Joel’s urging that he come along to the weekend’s triathlon to “check it out”. “Man, you’re already a brilliant runner, you’re OK on the bike, and sure your swimming needs some work, but with a body like yours you’ll smash a triathlon,” Joel had said. Walking now over to the tent where he hoped to meet Joel before the race, he saw a group of other young guys and a couple of girls wearing the royal blue skin tight suits of the club his workmate raced for. “Hey, have any of you guys seen Joel? I was meant to meet him here,” he stuttered out to the group. “Over in the water, warming up,” came the response from one. Chris strolled over to the beach again, now aware that some of the earlier groups of competitors were about to take off in groups of 50, each racing the clock in their age-group. “Hey Chris!” he heard from nearby, turning to see Joel standing knee deep in the water. “You made it great. There’s still another 15 minutes until my group takes off,” Joel said. “What do you think so far? These races are huge aren’t they?” Chris struggled for words. “Yeah, you’re not wrong. I heard the announcer say there was 1200 people racing today. Shit, that’s a lot of bikes. Mate, I almost didn’t recognise you wearing that swim cap.” It was also the first time he’d seen Joel in anything other than dressed up in a suit and tie for work. His eyes gave his colleague a quick scan, trying to be subtle as he waded out into the water himself. Water lapped at Chris’ knees. For a short, thin guy, Joel was clearly very fit and not an ounce of fat on him. While his muscles were small, his body was that of a lightweight sprinter. The royal blue club triathlon suit clung to his chest. As Chris glanced at Joel’s strong thighs he couldn’t help but to admire the size of his huge bulge. Maybe it seemed abnormally large on a thin guy wearing only a single tight layer of spandex, or maybe Joel had a hidden asset. An unexpected wave wet the bottom of Chris’ boardshorts, but completely engulfed Joel’s lower half. Joel’s now wet triathlon suit somehow managed to cling even more tightly to his body, the outline of a large, clearly cut cock, sticking out for all to see. Chris looked away at another group starting their race. “I better let you warm up,” he said, before watching Joel duck-dive under waves to acclimatise to the water. With each dive under the water, he saw the blue spandex of the suit cling tightly to his mate’s ass, separating his firm butt cheeks and presenting them shining in the early morning sunlight. Again Chris found himself surprised by where his attention had wandered, before walking to a part of the beach where he could watch most of the swim leg and the swimmers exit the water. He took out his phone, to get a photo of his mate in action. One of the earlier groups of competitors had completed their swim and were now wading out of the water. Their suits shone, glistening wet and reflecting the brilliance of the day. A group of ladies had mixed into a group of young men who appear to have caught them despite the head start. Chris raised his phone as he recognised the floppy blonde haired guy he saw before, removing his swim cap as he splashed out of the water. Almost in slow motion it wasn’t just the mop of his hair flopping around, but a large package bouncing around in wet black spandex. Chris snapped away on his phone. About 10 minutes later, he could make out the cap of Joel approaching the shore. He raised his phone again as the young man exited the water, looking nothing like his work colleague, but some fit young god shining in his wet royal blue triathlon suit. How had he not noticed how wonderful his workmate had looked before? Chris flicked his phone into video mode and filmed Joel running out of the water. He must have enjoyed his swim, because Chris could clearly see Joel’s cock was not as soft as it was at the start of the race, now several centimetres of semi-thickness bouncing around from side to side with each step. Joel smiled as he approached and threw his swim cap at Chris mockingly. At a brisk walking pace Chris made his way to the transition area where he caught Joel putting on his bike helmet, his bike shoes and running out of transition with his bike. At a designated mark on the road, he mounted the bike, and rode off into the distance. This, it appeared, was the boring part of the event where there was little to see other than hundreds more wet bodies clambering out of the water and onto bikes. He didn’t see Joel complete the bike leg, only hearing another “Hey Chris” shout come from his mate as he saw the unmistakable blue spandex butt disappear quickly off on the run leg. He knew that the run would only take Joel 12 minutes or less to cover the 3 kilometres so he walked over to the finish line to await his friend. Soon enough, almost precisely on schedule, he saw Joel run around a corner, enter a corridor of advertising banners and sprint to the line, trying to outpace another guy who appeared to be in the same age category. The two almost crossed simultaneously and both fell to the ground, panting on the other side. Chris walked around, and though unable to enter the help his mate, saw him laid out on his back. At that moment Chris’ mind wandered again, imagining what it would be like to run his hands over Joel’s legs, and over his abnormally large bulge, massaging away his aches and pains. As he tried to shake off his unexpected thoughts, Joel tried to regain his strength and get off the ground, only his legs raising and parting, but his back refusing to rise. With his legs spread-eagled Chris saw a view he’d never experienced before, certainly never of a workmate the clear view of Joel’s firm spandex covered ass, balls and semi-hard cut cock in all their glory as if almost naked before him. ‘Could this get any better?’ Chris thought, only for his prayers to be instantly answered with one of Joel’s triathlon club mates who must have finished moments beforehand jokingly pouring a full cup of water in Joel’s lap to wet his royal blue spandex. It got an instant reaction as Joel rose off the ground, still trying to catch his breath from the sprint. Only then did Chris realise that he’d instinctively filmed the whole thing on his phone. Chris followed the royal blue spandex suits out into the public area where he met Joel. “Fuck, that run was a real bloody sprint,” Joel said. “Only a short race, but no relaxing the whole way. Just an outright sprint. What did you think?” “You did great. And before you ask, yes, I reckon I could definitely do one of these,” Chris said. “I’ll need to put in some more time at the pool, but I’ve got a good bike already, good running shoes and I reckon I’d beat you on the run.” “Just need to get you one of these tri suits,” Joel blurted out. “They don’t seem to leave much to the imagination,” Chris found himself saying, then wondering if he’d been rude and too obvious to his mate. “Ha, well, yeah, I guess so,” said Joel. “But mate, there’s over 1000 people here wearing the same thing, so if you rock up wearing boardshorts to race in you’re going to look like a real dickhead. Safety in numbers bro!” “But do you wear anything under the suit?” Chris found himself asking, already knowing the answer. “Some guys do, but they leave a really clear speedo line and can sometimes cause chaffing on the longer run events so I wouldn’t recommend it. They’re designed to go au naturale and keep everything in place really well. Main thing is that you don’t wear a tri suit that’s too light in colour and see-through when wet. These club ones in blue are fine and you can get one on the club website, but man, you should have seen one guy on the bike leg. Reckon he was maybe 18 years old, wearing a white tri suit I kid you not and you could completely see the young stud’s bare ass through it. I was getting a semi sitting behind him enjoying the view.” Chris’ eyebrows rose instantly at the unexpected comment from his workmate. Had he heard that right? Surely not. Just then Joel’s mate from the triathlon club slaps him on the ass and says “How’d you go Joely?” ‘What am I missing here?’, Chris thought to himself. ‘Have I been living in a cave? I’ve got to get into this triathlon caper.’ Chris gave Joel a questioning glance. “Chris, this is my partner Matt Matt this is Chris from work who I’ve been telling you about,” Joel responded. “Oh, your training partner oh yeah, fair enough. Nice to meet you Matt.” “Well yeah, he’s my training partner, but also my well, my other partner if you know what I mean,” said Joel. The dumb, bemused look coming back from Chris forced him to elaborate. “Ah, you know I’m bi right? You’ve heard me talk about guys and girls I’ve thought are hot around the office right?” “Ah, yeah, sure actually no mate, I completely missed that and feel like a real dumbass. Sorry, I can’t believe you’re my mate and I didn’t pick up on that. What an idiot! Hey, main thing is that you put in a bloody good race today, and well, I’m sold on this triathlon thing if you’ll help give me a few pointers,” Chris said. “Absolutely,” said Joel. “And don’t worry, you’re probably so used to having me and everyone else tell you how bloody good looking you are that you think that’s totally normal. Well mate, bring some speedos, goggles and a towel to work tomorrow, because as soon as we clock off we’re hitting the pool to get your swimming up to scratch.” “What? Dick stickers? I mean speedos? Seriously?” The ‘you can’t swim laps in boardshorts look’ coming back from Joel instantly forced a correction from Chris. “OK, I get it, no boardies. I’ll take swimming seriously, but you have to promise to not mock me because my technique is pretty shabby.” “Deal. Catch you tomorrow man.” Returning to his car to make the trip home, Chris grabbed out his phone and watched back the videos of Joel leaving the water and then the other of him laid out on the ground after finishing the race. ‘I am definitely joining that club and ordering one of those suits as soon as I get home,’ he thought, getting hard beneath his boardies. ------------------------------ Chapter 2 coming soon ...
posted 9 years ago
love this! great writing! can't wait how it unfolds! :D
posted 9 years ago
Great story with amazing descriptions. I'm already imagining two plot lines...keep it coming.
posted 9 years ago
Absolutely great story, can't wait to see more!
posted 9 years ago
Still waiting for part 2! :)
posted 9 years ago
Amazing and so accurate about triathlons as I've done a few.
posted 9 years ago
SUPER story....MORE PLEAASE!!!!!!
posted 8 years ago
Instantly gave me a rigid boner.........especially the line "as the race announcer over the speakers declared that “wetsuits are banned for today’s triathlon".......OMG I thought, wow wet spandex and hot Orgy cumming up I thought and really can't wait for the next leg of this adventure.