Flame Icon

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 2 years ago
Can you tell me what the red flame icon represents and how does it appears on the lower right of my photos. Also some photos show a red heart. Can you educate me please. Thanks, And Im really enjoying the changes to the site.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
I believe it's because you uploaded content that the site considers to be xxx rated like a cock picture or adult themed but don't qoute me on it 😂

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 2 years ago
Red Heart ..... person likes it
posted 2 years ago
posted by: Lycralad41
I believe it's because you uploaded content that the site considers to be xxx rated like a cock picture or adult themed but don't qoute me on it 😂
this is correct. tannedballz, you may remember the "adult checkbox" when you uploaded an image on the old site. this is essentially this. If you have more questions feel free to DM me! (will lock this for now as it's solved)

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