Furniture for ‘Gear Occasions’

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Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
Hey guys, I’m still fairly new to the spandex gear scene and have loved every minute of it! Everyone on this site is so great to chat with... I’m looking to kick things up a few notches for my gear play time with friends and would like to buy some fun furniture...a few friends want to invest in some bondage type units so that we can expand our play time. Does anyone have experience with various sex-type furniture? I have seen some padded benches and the like...but curious if anyone has direct experience they could share. Thanks so much and happy holidays to all!
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
posted by: BubbleThong
Hey guys, I’m still fairly new to the spandex gear scene and have loved every minute of it! Everyone on this site is so great to chat with... I’m looking to kick things up a few notches for my gear play time with friends and would like to buy some fun furniture...a few friends want to invest in some bondage type units so that we can expand our play time. Does anyone have experience with various sex-type furniture? I have seen some padded benches and the like...but curious if anyone has direct experience they could share. Thanks so much and happy holidays to all!