
Blogs and Sites
posted 9 years ago
Is anyone else having trouble with gearfetish or is it just me?
Deleted user
posted 9 years ago
Hey, I haven't used the site in ages, but I just tried the URL for you and yeah it's coming up blank.
Deleted user
posted 9 years ago
Did a quick google and seems like they shut the site down
posted 9 years ago
Oh man that sucks! I wish I had known that before they took it down.
posted 9 years ago
so bummed by this news, as GF was a great site to meet others with the same kink/interests :-(
posted 9 years ago
posted by: lycratight
so bummed by this news, as GF was a great site to meet others with the same kink/interests :-(
I know, right?! I knew so many great guys on there.

lycratightlycratight liked this.

posted 9 years ago
I never found anyone on that site, and I found the layout, etc. less than ideal. Still, it's a shame. I assume it never found a way to monetize it.
posted 9 years ago
Yes, I wish I had been given more notice so I could keep in contact with my friends there. :-(
posted 9 years ago
posted by: ubiquitous
Yes, I wish I had been given more notice so I could keep in contact with my friends there. :-(
posted 9 years ago
Maybe some of the admins will stumble upon this thread if we keep it going. Also hoping to recover some friendships where I had no contact besides that site.
posted 9 years ago
Yeah, it sucks that it's probably gone for good. I've been talking to some people there, and now, it just ended so suddenly. That's such a shame.
posted 9 years ago
Sucks that it's gone now. I had made a couple friends on there that I was lucky enough to find on other sites but I still had a couple mates that I didn't speak to anywhere else. Just a shame. I think it was useful because there were so many people on it and you could search for people by fetish (even if a lot of people weren't very active on the site.
posted 8 years ago
I'm really missing it today. :-(