Getting cruised at the Cycling Store in my Cycling Kit

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posted 13 years ago
I am a cyclist and love wearing my tight spandex/lycra cycling kits. I typically position up and to the left -- placing past the cycling pad. I love the looks I get from guys when I am out. Their eyes always move down to check out my cock on display. I get an extra rush when a str8 guy looks. I was recently stopped at my bike shop on a ride to get the bike looked at for some repair. While they worked on my bike I checked out the new bikes. There was a married guy there shopping for a bike. This married man soon stood near me.. I caught him glancing down to look at my cock. I moved down to look at some bikes and he followed me.... he eyes glued to my crotch... soon he started to ask me questions about what bike I rode so I turned directly to face him and chat. He would look me in the face as we spoke but would glance downward-- well this kinda of cruising really gets me going-- feeds my exhibitionisy streak... so the more he stared at my cock... I started to get hard... my cock was expanding and growing upward as he stared and we chatted. He was new to riding so after he asked my about bikes he asked about the gear you wear.... he evetually said "I guess you don't wear underwear when you wear those cycling shorts." I told him no that the pad is designed to cushion you while riding. He told me he liked the gear I was wearing and that I "filled it out" nicely. At this point I had full raging hard on. He asked if I would show him what gear to consider buying... we walked over to the clothing racks and flipped through the gear... he got really close to me and while he flipped through the cycling kits his hand brushed against my bulge... he quickly said excuse me-- I told him it was no problem.... so he started to graze my package as he looked through the clothes. Luckily no one else was in the section of the store.... he eventually got bolder and started rubbing his hand up and down my spandex covered it felt so good.. I really get of on public stuff like this.... I got really close to cumming and really wanted to but I needed to eventually collect my bike from the repair shop and could not hide a big wet cum soaked bulge. So I had to back off a bit.... we chatted some more and he thanked me-- said I made his day! I told him I enjoyed the attention. I repostioned my swollen cock down into the pad and collected my bike and rode off-- It was a fun unexpected show of event.
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
I can't decide which is better; to be you who gets his hard cock rubbed in spandex, or to be the guy who's able to rub the hard cock in spandex. Hot experience man.
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posted 13 years ago
Uhmm nice story. That must have been a fantastic experience. I think you should have asked for his telephone number or e-mail adress :)
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
Jeez knew I should have also gone into your repair shop that day then there would have been 3 ragging bonkers on display! This reminds me whilst I like to visit Deus Bicycle Shop in Sydney. There is a very hot guy that works there Ben shortish but muscle tattoos and a very nice bubble butt. I always sit so I can perve on him in not seen him in cycle gear but love when he squats down to fix tyre and his low jeans exposé his very muscular round arse with a hot treasure trail! I'm going there for breakfast now he's not there everyday but sure pleases me when I see him working! Mind you it's a popular place for Lycra cyclists to drop in for breakfast and boy have sum of these guys got big lunch boxes on display for all to see . And have noticed the nice sweat stains around the butt holes leaves nothing to the imagination to visualize naked!
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
I never get tired of reading this story ....
Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
Love this story! Got me so hard!
Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
This happened to me in the TBE store in perth. I ran into a guy in the store and we got talking and we both started to get hard. There was only one man tending the shop that day and he was bussy fixing a tyre. I was trying on some cycle overalls and the guy came in the booth with me and started to rub my bulge in the new cycle suit, soon i started to almost cum i could see the material getting wet, I was so scared of soiling the suit all i coud do was grab the set of gloves i was going to buy and i sliped my cock out the leg of the lycra suit and blew inside the glove, pitty they had no fingers and cum came out alll the fingers and made a huge mess, i just had to change put the stuff back and get out!

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

Deleted user
posted 11 years ago
Mmmmm I may have to start cruising bike shops!! I'd love to have walked out with a nice cumstain!!!
Last edited: 11 years ago
posted 10 years ago
WWOWOWOWO HOT STUFFF……grrrreat story… i sit here in my spandex an stroke off………mmm i too would have been totally hard an ready too burst……thanks guys…..
Deleted user
posted 10 years ago
Hot story!
Deleted user
posted 7 years ago
Very hot story...woof