Gym Swimming Pool Challenge

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 10 years ago
I am the first person to admit that I do NOT usually dress very sexy when I go to the gym...shorts and a tshirt..not even for a rare Spinning class BUT the same is NOT true for the pool at my gym. ( no kids around !!) I love white, yellow, Ice Blue ...because they go rather see-thru !! I'm often starting to get a hard-on in the Change Room. How revealing are you??

briefaffairbriefaffair liked this.

posted 10 years ago
that's hot
posted 10 years ago
Where do you swim....? :-))
Deleted user
posted 10 years ago
How are you as a swim instructor?
Deleted user
posted 10 years ago
Hi Guys, Went to a pool in Cork, about 2.5 hours from home today. No one knows me so I was shameless... here's the pics in the locker room. Looking forward to the next dare. So hot! There's a second pic of it on my profile. Got a few knowing looks and took my time dressing as a guy watched me while pretending not to :)
Last edited: 10 years ago
posted 10 years ago
Wow love to b in THAT locker room !!!!