Hard Heroes 12

Deleted user
posted 10 years ago
August 21, 2015 at 8:00PM EAGLE LA 4219 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90029 Facebook Page Hard Heroes 12 returns to Eagle LA again for 2015. This very popular event has been kicked into higher gear with a new format. The are 4 entry categories: Best Heroes Costume, Best Body/Face Paint Superhero, Best Erotic Hero and Best Group or Theme. So get out your gear and enter the contest. Winners will receive a prize package and cash along with a new cool, glowing Kryptonite Hard Heroes medallion for each category winner. Steve Garcia will be there with his artwork, Ronnie Mena and his make-up team will be on hand to do make-up (body paint not included).
Last edited: 10 years ago