Help rubberizing a skinsuit

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Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
I have search on ebay for years waiting for a pearl izumi rubberized skinsuit. I have rarely seen a few but they keep going up to £200 and more they are so rare. I am looking for something like this: So now I am thinking why don't I make a skinsuit like that with liquid latex. I know you can buy LL in crafts shops or on ebay but I know if it is brushed on it will look terrible. I would like to try spray paining it on but I don't know how to go about doing that. Has anyone ever spray painted anything with latex on lycra or human?
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
You will never get it as shiny as the one in the link. I think liquid latex is too thick to work in any spray paint gun. You could however try and poor it on. I have done so with ll on regular rubber and that works fine.

bikeboyukbikeboyuk liked this.

Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
Thanks, I have tried a Radical Speed suit a few years ago but the seams split (bad sewing, not my weight) and that was a pvc type coating not rubber. So I will have to just wait and hope for a pearl Izumi suit on ebay one day.