Heroes - Backstreet Club - August

posted 7 years ago
I'm planning on attending Heroes for the first time next month. Is it usually busy in the summer or not so much? Thinking of wearing a superhero suit. Do many guys on here attend these days?
posted 7 years ago
I’m interested in heroes never been but it would be my first club experience.
Deleted user
posted 7 years ago
I'm interested too. Would also be my first time
Last edited: 7 years ago
posted 7 years ago
I might check it out finally, be my first time too
posted 7 years ago
aw man, i really really want to come down for it, but i have no money. wish there was a glasgow/scotland edition
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posted 7 years ago
I’ve been only once before on my way through town. I’d consider going again and Aug might work!
posted 7 years ago
Anyone know if it's generally just superhero suits or do guys ever wear speedos?
posted 7 years ago
I was there a couple of weeks ago for the July meeting and it was absolutely dead. I think in total there were about seven guys there and even fewer by the time I left at 8 PM. It’s a real shame that this event does not get better attendance, as it is one of the only spandex fetish gatherings in London as far as I am away. I think the issue is that everybody has to be out by 10 PM in order to allow the little boys in, and venues extremely strict about that. I will be honest, I have never seen a guy wearing a superhero outfit, but that’s not to say it’s not a great idea! :-) It was a mixture of cycling suits, speedos and wrestling singlets amongst the guys who were there two weeks ago.

speedofun1speedofun1 liked this.

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posted 7 years ago
I'm thinking about going next month and would love to see you guys there!
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posted 7 years ago
I’ve been once before and wore speedos. There was about 15 guys when I went and a mixture of Lycra on show.
posted 7 years ago
would be really great to make this monthly event more popular! would be a shame if it were to get quiet and die out! Shame i don't live in london! Next event i might be able to come to is in october, flights are cheap enough but hotels are expensive
posted 7 years ago
im thinking about going to august if im free
posted 7 years ago
I will be hanging out in my thongs and flipflops. Care to join?

speedopouchspeedopouch liked this.

posted 7 years ago
Can’t wait to see hardpecsbulge in his hot flip flops 💋I’ll be there in a selection of thongs and Lycra gear and singlets
posted 7 years ago
How did this months heres go then guys? a bit busier?
posted 7 years ago
a couple of guys some hot but hopefully the next one will be more busier