Hi, I'm the new one 👋

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 3 years ago
Hello fellow Lycra Lovers I'm very excited to introduce myself to you as the new admin of Spandex Party! Some of you have seen me around here already. I've been an active member of SP for over 9 years now. I am very happy to be part of this community and very grateful what SpandexPartyAdmin has grown SP into in the past 15 years. I'm very much committed to SP to get the site back on track again: To fix what's broken or hasn't been touched for a long time and further improve and develop the site. This is where I'd love to hear your opinions what the site lacks or what area hasn't seen enough love in the past. And yes, the cam chat is also high on my priority list as well! Please let me know in this thread about your ideas, your priority lists, what worked for you and what didn't. In the end we're one community and, like all of you, I want to see SP prosper in all its shiny spandexness! johnaaw

lestatlestat,Howie1Howie1,darkraidarkrai,BonermanBonerman,thonghotthonghot,LycraMLycraM,sequentialsequential,lovespeedoslovespeedos,speedologospeedologo,Jockboy91Jockboy91,Deleted userDeleted user,FurrBBulgeFurrBBulge,lycra4manlycra4man,RendounRendoun,leotardlad90leotardlad90,O2BnSFO2BnSF,burbsl2580936burbsl2580936,cplethngcplethng,NikerunningtightsNikerunningtights,dspearsdspears,newguysa83newguysa83,irishnylonirishnylon,LycraLSLycraLS,c.leanc.lean,l16585l16585,dbacdbac,till262till262,biglad_cjbiglad_cj,danyon1danyon1,Gogo2308Gogo2308,skintightblueskintightblue,bobuk1205bobuk1205,RoccothecanuckRoccothecanuck,8eight88eight8,slicksslicks,custardpiecustardpie,rdd2k7rdd2k7,likebulgeslikebulges,phil170389phil170389,sfqguysfqguy,SpandexSuckerSpandexSucker,mstringlvrmstringlvr,printerinkprinterink,GhtddGhtdd,Aladin12Aladin12,StudfinderStudfinder,aquaman75aquaman75,Garrylads3Garrylads3,avocado1311avocado1311,NottsLycraNottsLycra,JoeUKJoeUK,daletondaleton,QueerLycristQueerLycrist,xtubxxtubx,MaxisMaxis,mbuk01mbuk01,btm4thkbtm4thk,val101val101,ICARUS2013ICARUS2013,4hunks4hunks,halbnackthalbnackt,Smokinz14Smokinz14,stringbody2015stringbody2015,culottexculottex,frenchthong36frenchthong36,gymtopbigymtopbi,BulgeloverBerlinBulgeloverBerlin,koalaloverkoalalover,torintorin,1tinysuit1tinysuit,ThongOneThongOne,FatGermanFatGerman,era4era4,scottish_stud99scottish_stud99,mikey020mikey020,lycrabulge1lycrabulge1,cub99strcub99str,lycrarun1lycrarun1,bulgingspeedobulgingspeedo,lycladlyclad,dakota1212dakota1212,speedo100speedo100,zhigaozhigao,OldNick666OldNick666,AwesomeswimsuitAwesomeswimsuit,shortsjockshortsjock,BonHiverBonHiver,jacksjacks,pumpingmonkeypumpingmonkey,swimbudswimbud,ShinyFlirtShinyFlirt,SpandexFootballPantsSpandexFootballPants,ironsidesironsides,speedopouchspeedopouch,wilianwilian,FinbiFinbi,ryanseasryanseas,welshguy21welshguy21,richter75richter75,FetichistaFetichista,hotpreppyguyhotpreppyguy,SaintSemajSaintSemaj,thongerF1thongerF1,BulgyBoyBulgyBoy,JjlonJjlon,bgta88bgta88,jplyyrjplyyr,lycra_boy1lycra_boy1,sheerboy22sheerboy22,timxltimxl,kirelycrakirelycra,CuriousBCuriousB,ukthongerukthonger,Billy78Billy78,EgmontEgmont,danielsandanielsan,aukmanaukman,BiSurferBiSurfer,frost1001frost1001,fusion_ghiafusion_ghia,ComptxComptx,short_footshort_foot,dpx82dpx82,Dave80Dave80,mysingletmysinglet,nylonandtightnylonandtight,beemer69cabeemer69ca,mokkori_mokkori_,undieguy1undieguy1,gaysexgaysex,condivocondivo,thongerfanthongerfan,BrooklynLycraBrooklynLycra,TangaboysTangaboys,alicejearalicejear,UbiquitousUbiquitous,intounderwearintounderwear,activearseactivearse,ThonglynxThonglynx,socksnthongssocksnthongs,Flo888Flo888,bigjakeukbigjakeuk,lycralad2lycralad2,morckomorcko,lycrafreelycrafree,YogaThongerTYogaThongerT,IlovethongsIlovethongs,hkswimmerhkswimmer,starroverstarrover,MarioBWMarioBW,miaswimmiaswim,2strokeyou2strokeyou,roadbiker75roadbiker75,instringsinstrings,BigBulgeTOBigBulgeTO,fabienqchofabienqcho,sven983sven983,sinjabosinjabo,Spock80Spock80,leathers99leathers99,Gary121Gary121,bulge_loverbulge_lover,BosrunnerBosrunner,btn_lycrabtn_lycra,dennyg_ausdennyg_aus,LycraGearLycraGear,lycralvrozzielycralvrozzie,FloridaSpandexJockFloridaSpandexJock,noblewicknoblewick,MadcityrynoMadcityryno,spark84spark84,mymukiemymukie,lycraroadielycraroadie,kemasdakemasda,loveLycraloveLycra,mazzet512mazzet512,otherside1212otherside1212,tomvomwomtomvomwom,28jBN28jBN,Cju20Cju20,sportscrazysportscrazy,fast-runfast-run,wichs29wichs29,ChrissrooiChrissrooi,HeuboyHeuboy,tamagocchiy2ktamagocchiy2k,BSpan77BSpan77,thereydthereyd,Nikos410Nikos410,TforTrapezeTforTrapeze,ExhibitionistExhibitionist,uclycrafanuclycrafan,Neelix92Neelix92,lycraskinnllycraskinnl,Spandex42Spandex42,SDWSDW,Ben911Ben911,flyhardflyhard,Nice80Nice80,pierregerardpierregerard,feturfetur,LudwigslaveLudwigslave,ricky999ricky999,jessjess,L1craGuyL1craGuy,LycraThomasLycraThomas,voxiferastervoxiferaster,vaimanvaiman,thongerpetethongerpete,rav4men30rav4men30,pingolopingolo,xurroxurro,lycrakid09lycrakid09,phx9928phx9928,Timmi1900Timmi1900,Lookin2playLookin2play,ilovesportilovesport,speedomickyspeedomicky,sportstightsportstight,restrainedspandexrestrainedspandex,lycrafan38lycrafan38,HommeboiHommeboi,SpandexHikerGuySpandexHikerGuy,lycradeliciouslycradelicious,redheadboiredheadboi,moshady29moshady29,spzspz,EurothongEurothong,domitch62domitch62,bshortsbshorts,lobitoutlobitout,RicardootRicardoot,speedo1977nlspeedo1977nl,HomesparkyHomesparky,hisghisg,chubbychubchubbychub,NexxtimeNexxtime,BulgesAddictBulgesAddict,scooterfxscooterfx,TnthongguyTnthongguy,Bluegear79Bluegear79,BubblebumBubblebum,uthersuthers,pchimopchimo,SportingLycraSportingLycra,diedierikdiedierik,mRuBlnmRuBln,satinlovemansatinloveman,motardzxrmotardzxr,norehnebnorehneb,joernjoern,nathanxiaonathanxiao,lemarjaylemarjay,JOCKXDJOCKXD,canlycrajockcanlycrajock,spdxspankspdxspank,sportifremcosportifremco,asiancyclerasiancycler,Romain06Romain06,sprintstarsprintstar,cycling84cycling84,cameronb21cameronb21,gioceasgioceas,adrienadrien,sexysingletsexysinglet,setightsetight,tomme23tomme23,BiguylovesgearBiguylovesgear,bubblejockbubblejock,Sunga2020Sunga2020,FlippancyFlippancy,lycratitelycratite,deeperhypnodeeperhypno,StringmenStringmen,GoldcoastguyGoldcoastguy,lycsterlycster,hutchhutch,SpeedoFetishESSpeedoFetishES,SUITNTIESUITNTIE,justlivejustlive,remigiuslpremigiuslp,lndnlycralndnlycra,TomadiTomadi,thonyhouthonyhou,dean3000dean3000,BaldSpeedoBaldSpeedo,StefStef,subbottomsubbottom,KjmaddocKjmaddoc,tinytimtinytim,triathlonguy26triathlonguy26,MrUnderMrUnder,thongsterthongster,jckstrplvrnjjckstrplvrnj,Spidey1973Spidey1973,Bignasty69Bignasty69,lasailasai,BuckiiBuckii,Lycan42Lycan42,jens84jens84,AsianSuperHeroAsianSuperHero,rubrnlycrarubrnlycra,MB_bcnMB_bcn,wrestler06wrestler06,CodyrickCodyrick,lyc23lyc23,MrBigFetishMrBigFetish,ATLSpeedoATLSpeedo,wet1wet1,jimm_jonesjimm_jones,Jmorph0Jmorph0,ApprovedApproved,SpeedoguySpainSpeedoguySpain,n2n36n2n36,PaulHarrisPaulHarris,String_CGNString_CGN,nb75nb75,cyclist1cyclist1,cycling1993cycling1993,speedo62speedo62,UcwresUcwres,30_top30_top,alexmx26alexmx26,virilopevirilope,lyjdlfgflyjdlfgf,Matt43Matt43,ShinypantsukShinypantsuk,speedolover2hhspeedolover2hh,now4unow4u,FiliFili,spxbrlnspxbrln,HxgearHxgear,spodenkispodenki,ok-i-giveok-i-give,jockstrap1jockstrap1,LeeminhoLeeminho,SpankingforexerciseSpankingforexercise,lvspeedoguylvspeedoguy,LycrabiLycrabi,sigesige,bearcomplexbearcomplex,NedRubNedRub,Peiniger1Peiniger1,HotBulgeUSHotBulgeUS,bigpookbigpook,pantyhoseypantyhosey,connor20connor20,dyxu789dyxu789,SilverlingSilverling,BrisriderBrisrider,Londonlycra81Londonlycra81,Sucker69998Sucker69998,BeulenfanBeulenfan,twlltwll,eupheusiaeupheusia,asntightsboiasntightsboi,BoundLycRubberCubBoundLycRubberCub,PhilycrabulgePhilycrabulge,homunculushomunculus,chitownjeffchitownjeff,rubbersportsrubbersports,singlet_freaksinglet_freak liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Great to see that you are taking on the task of maintaining SP alive! I think that you summed up pretty well what is to do already. In my opinion a "cosmetic" overhaul is in order and an easier navigation between pages as well. From my own experience, maybe taking example from the framework of Fetlife could be a good idea, without copying it entirely of course. And the chat feature needs to come back, as you pointed out. Also, a "dark mode" is a must with all the time we spend on our devices in this day and age, I find that it greatly eases viewing contrary to a clearer palette of colours, particularly in the later hours of the day. Wishing you the best on the takeover!
Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
John, Just a grateful thanks for stepping up and rescuing SP. I haven't been on here that long, but I've met so many great guys, and it's wonderful for us to have a place to share our passion.

PaulHarrisPaulHarris liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Hasn't been here for that long, but really starting to love the site! Thx for keeping it live!

johnaawjohnaaw,helio44helio44 liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Thanks for keeping it going. In addition to a Cam chat room, I'd like to meet other spandex fans near me and an easy way to find them, using this site.
Last edited: 3 years ago
posted 3 years ago
What works well (for me and why I like this site):
  • Picture rating with monthly reset of Top Rated photos (stops older pictures from naturally rising to the top)
  • Viewing new photos
  • Seeing who's viewed you, rated pictures and added as favourite
  • Private Messaging with picture attachments
  • Distance Search
  • Who's online
  • Last visited date (so you can get a feel for if someone's active on the site)
  • Forums
  • Verified profiles
What could do with improving or new features:
  • Video's don't play well on desktop browser, often the play buttons disappears below the bottom of the screen
  • Forum needs a few moderators to remove spamming posts
  • Maybe a unlockable private album like Scruff / Grinder have
  • Cruise/Woof feature (again nicking the idea from Scruff / Grinder
posted 3 years ago
Great to hear you are taking over. Think the current site is great compared with others I have looked at over the last week, much easier to use. All the very best

johnaawjohnaaw,speedologospeedologo liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Firstly thankyou for saving this site for all of us. Its been our spandex home for 13 yrs. I would like it if I could pay with PAYPAL for my subscrition when you get round to t .

johnaawjohnaaw,PaulHarrisPaulHarris liked this.

posted 3 years ago
I would like to see the restoration of the "CAM CHAT" function. Love performing on cam for an audience.
posted 3 years ago
Well done for taking it on. One reason I don’t use the site much anymore is the tight restrictions on non-paying members. I post pictures, giving the site content for members to enjoy but in response get tight restrictions on the number of pics and profiles I can view and number of pics I can post. It doesn’t make sense and doesn’t encourage me to want to pay for membership. Also the silly way that most liked pics are ranked due to the date they’re posted. You have to post a pic on the 1st of the month for it to accumulate enough likes to appear to others on the most liked page. The categories of content make no sense either with multiple options for the same thing. ‘Thong’ and ‘thongs’ being two different categories? Best wishes and good luck!
posted 3 years ago
Thanks so much for keeping it going, no idea where else we would go. I’d love to see status updates? Kind of like what grommr does? That type of newsfeed, would make it much more of a community and easier to communicate with one another

johnaawjohnaaw liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Thanks for keeping the site going and look forward to improved functionality and access = Alerts when favorite users on site = Alerts when favorite user posts new pics = Cam/chats with multiple users =Browse pics in various categories/fetish eg. speedos, jammers, body suits , thongs, leggings etc

johnaawjohnaaw liked this.

posted 3 years ago
I’m so glad the site has been saved, ThankU so much.
posted 3 years ago
Hi, First of all, thank you for keeping the site alive. As people already said, bring back the cam chat, improve features for non paying members, recruit moderators for forums, all of those could be great features. I would also suggest some feature to report pictures or profiles directly when you are on a user page. We can only report spam through the forums but some users don't post on forums and steal pictures from people here. There should be a way to report them as well.

johnaawjohnaaw liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Very glad to hear the site will stay up. My interest is primarily in meeting r/l people near me, especially when I travel - so for me, keeping the 'search for users near me' feature working is what matters most. If I asked for enhancements, it'd be making it easier to navigate around the albums, and, in particular, to see the most recent pics first rather than the 10-year-old ones.

johnaawjohnaaw liked this.

posted 3 years ago
The member search function is broken. Will retrieve the name but then you can't click on and see member's profile. Suggest that Porn link be organized. Maybe radio buttons to click on the type theme of porn, eg, thong, biker, cosplay, jock, undies and/or sorted by bondage, jerk off, rough, outdoors, etc. But the topic is just so much in disarray, and members always writing, where are some good thong videos or bike kit videos. It would be nice just to go to them if they were categorized. Also I think it would be good to clean up the membership. Many profiles, members haven't logged on for a very long time. Maybe an email to the member to the effect that you account has be inactive for the last 6 months, please log on to keep your active active or your profile will be purged. There is no point of looking at profiles when you will never be able to get in touch. Lastly, a email notification if you profile gets some sort of activity, which you can turn on or off by type. Message Y or N, Cum Y or N, Like Y or N Thanks for taking over the site. I hope you can make some great improvements as this site has been neglected for so long. Cheers and Best Wishes!

johnaawjohnaaw liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Thank you for taking over the site. Many great features that I love, a few suggestions: - "like" button for comments? To show appreciation - "reply" button and notification for comments - maybe people have figured out how to do this but when I click on someone's name in the forum, it doesn't go to their main profile where I can view their pics - video uploading and viewing improvements Thanks!

johnaawjohnaaw liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Thank you so much for saving this site. As for suggestions: Improve the location feature please! It is cumbersome and buggy to set your location and search for nearby members. I want to know who else is near me! And when I travel I want to be able to quickly check in to a new city or locale.

condmbrekrcondmbrekr,johnaawjohnaaw liked this.

posted 3 years ago
Congratulations and thank you for keeping this important spandex institution alive. Immense thanks too the previous owner and site administrator! I think the big challenge for you will be the commercial model around the site. How do you balance the need for a popular and well frequented site with a growing cache of media, with the commercial reality of turning a buck!?! I think keep content open to all members has improved my engagement… especially the video content. Perhaps the compromise is to impose a daily view limit to non-financial members. Cutting back on accessibility did reduce my engagement in the past. To the extent you have the capital to invest in improvements, a better view of who’s local or nearby would help. Perhaps that feature can be part of your financial membership option.

johnaawjohnaaw,PaulHarrisPaulHarris liked this.

posted 3 years ago
WOW! Thanks so much for taking this on. I am so grateful that you will be putting so much time into this site and seeing what you have in store for the future. You're my spandex super hero!

johnaawjohnaaw liked this.