Hot white triathlon skinsuit

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Deleted user
posted 10 years ago
Please check out: Skinfit trisuit
posted 10 years ago
GREAT LOOKING the white an red......awesome ........wish i could understand GERMAN.......BUT still hot view........good luck on the its going for i think a good price.......BTW WHAT SIZE???
posted 10 years ago
i tested the suit and can only say. dont buy it. i broke 2 suits in the store. the seams are a joke. i love my skinfit tri suits but this one here is grab. but it would look great (if the seams would last longer than 1 minute)

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Deleted user
posted 10 years ago
Didn't have problems with the seams, maybe you chose the wrong size?
Deleted user
posted 10 years ago
Yeah that's the number one problem with high end brands of lycra, they're made to fit the size they say not a size up. Should always stay true to size with more expensive pieces because they're really made to fit the size they are hence the higher price, not a size up