How did you get into zentai or morphsuits?

How I got into Spandex
Deleted user
posted 6 months ago
I think for me it was costumes. I watched a lot of power rangers. I liked how they looked a lot. I just thought they were cool looking. I would always just look a lot at them whenever suited up. Fight scenes were always something I'd rewatch. As I got older, I thought anything that looks cool and eccentuates the body is also hot haha. Then I saw a pic of a guy dressed as green man and could not stop thinking about him. Like what is he wearing? It's so weird but it looks really good on him. Found out about the terms morphsuits and zentai. Would constantly look up pics on insta and watch youtube videos. In highschool I also had class with a friend I thought was handsome and well built. Then for spirit week he wore a green morphsuit under a tshirt and sweat pants. He walked to class with me. I gave him eye contact but definitely looked at his whole outfit. Then he shook my hand because he was just friendly. That handshake got me flustered. His hands were warm and the spandex covering his hand was soft. I held that for as long as he wanted to hold. Could not do math that day. Haha that was a core memory for me. Like I now have a specific preference of a guy in zentai with clothes on top and his mask off. Like that's like the hottest way of wearing it. I dont know why. Maybe because it's like a whole second skin, but I still get to see the guy behind it? I was actually just into looking at zentai and lycra. But I would go on to buy cheap suits at halloween stores. Then bought some custom ones when I got older. Would play around in them. Cut holes in them, took showers in them, slept in them. I think my first zentai was a black one from a halloween store. It was loose and I was like this isnt right. I sewed it up and man it felt good. Material was probably terrible, but to me at the time it was smooth and silky. I liked to just rub one out. Eventually I cut a hole. That first time I grabbed my dick and man it felt good. I was also remembering shaking hands with that guy from school haha. Man if it were his hands holding something else. I shot and hit my face after a bit.
Last edited: 6 months ago
posted 5 months ago
I'm 75-99% discovered Zentai around 7th or 8th grade, so that was around...2005-2006. Wanted to get one so badly, but I never had the balls to tell my parents about it...that was until after I graduated when I finally got a Pink Morphsuit. I've got a picture posted of me in it but it was around that time I also had to get rid of it because it was falling apart a bit.
Last edited: 5 months ago

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