I forgot my swimwear

How I got into Spandex
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I was about 13 and it was swimming for PE class at school. I thought it was athletics and so was in a bit of trouble. I told the PE teacher and he gave me a spare pair of black speedos to wear. They were about 2 sizes too small and were old, made of shiny stretchy lycra. It was all I could do not to get a hardon the entire lesson! A defining moment!

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
I bet your teachers enjoyed the view :P
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posted 14 years ago
Not as much as I enjoyed the views! There were quite a few excited teens in the pool, all in speedos as was the rules for swimming class!
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posted 14 years ago
that's so hot i wish i had a pool at my school
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posted 14 years ago
I need to take swimming next year!
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posted 14 years ago
bet u was so hard the whole time.. i would have been i agree i loved the sights in swimming classes
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posted 14 years ago
I used to love/hate swimming at school! So many sights, so much trying not to 'stand out' lol
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posted 13 years ago
Aoo SEXY Thank For you!