I'm having a massive clearance on ebay, rubber and lycra kits

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Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
Hi guys, I've sadly been made redundant so I am clearing the decks and having a massive sale on ebay of loads of my lycra and rubber kit. There are GB and castelli skinsuits, gerolsteiner and usps bike kit. Tight England rugby shirts. And here is a sneek peak of my rubber fetish outfit all parts are on sale. Hope you like my stuff. cheers, G http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/sportandretro
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
Sale is still going on but my UPS shirt was taken down. Apparently I am not allowed to sell uniforms. So this sweet shirt is up for sale here if you want it. UPS Brown uniform shirt Large. £24.15 (21+3.15 recorded postage) email me at graememx@hotmail.com if you are interested. cheers, G.