I would never shop with a merchant that don't take Pay Pal

Shops and Sites
posted 6 months ago
Guys Be careful of any Spandex seller that does not take paypal..... Pay Pal offers Buyer protection!!!! If you don't get your item YOU DO NOT PAY FOR IT...... Pay Pal will take the money and put it back to your account if you don't get what you pay for..... Lots of Retailers know this.... Scammy sellers will avoid paypal like the plague!!!!
posted 6 months ago
Hi, are you talking about private sellers? I’ve dealt with many companies and independent sellers of spandex who don’t use PayPal and they’ve all been great, luckily I’ve never been scammed. I think it could be a bit more helpful to distinguish the different types of sellers as blanket statements could cause fear in our community, especially with those who are new to buying and or selling gear😊

wetbikini2wetbikini2,SlickskinSlickskin liked this.

posted 6 months ago
Agree, i won’t shop with anyone that doesn’t have either ApplePay or PayPal as they offer protection for buyers but also take an effort to get onto their platforms for sellers.
posted 6 months ago
posted by: Bubblebum
Agree, i won’t shop with anyone that doesn’t have either ApplePay or PayPal as they offer protection for buyers but also take an effort to get onto their platforms for sellers.
I like Paypal..... even tho they take a commission if you get paid. still, Its worth it when you are a buyer and some scammer pretends to ship something you never get! Paypal makes them either ship it or they take the money back from the seller.