idea for custom Skinsuits 80's adidas style... give me your feedback

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posted 13 years ago
Hi guys, I'd love your feedback on an idea I have. I want to get some retro style track racer skinsuits made. They would look like 80's adidas style suits. Could be DDR(east germany) like the pic below or CCCP(Soviet Union) with a red top and white stripes. The suits would have two stripes on the arm to avoid copyright issues with adidas and DDR/CCCP on the chest instead of the adidas logo, but still with the soviet era crest. Was also thinking Italy in blue or Holland in Orange could be possible. The thing is the cost per item. I couldn't get just one made. Five suits would cost minimum £65 each and 10 suits £53 each before postage. So I would need to see if there was a market for this idea before looking at Crowdfunding websites or putting them up on ebay. Do you like the idea of buying a suit like this? Which countries would you wear? I hope you will give me feeback. Message me or reply here. thanks, Graeme
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posted 13 years ago
hehe, i have one of this original suit in my cupboard :-D
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
Hey Scooterfx, if you have one sell it to me baby! Looks like there is not much interestin any new suits.