Like a morphsuit

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posted 9 years ago
I got 2 questions: I just love his suit, but how is it called and where can I buy one of those. Other question, where can I buy a cheap and nice morphsuit? Thanks for sharing. I will post pictures of me in a suit, once I get one ;)
posted 9 years ago or eBay or Amazon
posted 9 years ago
Wow, they're expensive! Any members on here that need to offload a morphsuit or two that they don't need? I'm willing to pay reasonable prices for decent quality/condition gear. Thanks for reading.
posted 9 years ago
I bought a morphsuit now with the excuse that I need a halloween costume! :D but I really wanna know the name of the kind of suit that guy, I linked above, is wearing
Last edited: 9 years ago
posted 9 years ago
Try Zentai suits. Ususally better fitting and made of better materials.
posted 9 years ago
Where can I get a nice zentai to try which is not that expensive?
posted 9 years ago
posted by: Aiwen
Where can I get a nice zentai to try which is not that expensive?
Thats a tough one. Anything good quality (like nice stretchy smooth material or a really nice fit) is going to cost more. From a few google searches you can find some good ones for $50-$100 or possibly more. The higher you go in price obviously the better quality you're likely to find. I found this one probably 10 years ago. They had a great customer gallery up until a few years ago. But they do sell some good stuff from what I hear... Spandexman ...Just look under unitards. BUT it is just after Halloween so if youre looking for just a morphsuit or something to try, I would hit up Halloween stores or Costume shops, maybe even Target or something. They'll probably have a ton of morphsuits on sale. I got a couple about 2 or 3 years ago from target that were like $20 or $25 at the time. Keep in mind the cheaper stuff isn't gonna feel as good on the skin. Still hot tho ;)