Looking for bulge thongs

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posted 3 years ago
So I’ve always been a muscleskins purist but am trying to branch out. Anybody have any nice torpedo style or decently-pouched thongs of any kind (would need medium or large) that they would sell. Prefer soft silky Lycra kinds with minimal waistbands. Appreciate the help guys!
posted 3 years ago
I would strongly recommend Fireboy thongs and gear. Great fit, look, and feel and hug you everywhere :-) fireboyunderwear.com I have lots of their gear and you will love it!
posted 3 years ago
Well it depends….if you want some ‘everyday’ thongs: Jor, Bodyaware, TxM, UnderMoon, HOM Fredy, Or if you want something a lot more fitted, then Joe Snyder or their copycat Cover Male or Daniel Alexander… Hope those help you