Looking for some nice thongs

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posted 9 years ago
As the title says, Im looking for a nice thong, which is made out of lycra and can easily fit a hard cock, so I can stroke in it without problems, like a second skin! Has someone a good suggestion where I can get a good one, (link would be nice)
posted 9 years ago
Versuche es mal bei Ebay, entweder Herrenmode - Unterwäsche oder Herrenmode - Bademode
Deleted user
posted 9 years ago
Jovana Designs could make you something
posted 9 years ago
I would recommend Gregg Homme. They have many thongs that fit like second skin (e.g. Boy Toy, Voyeur are especially good). http://gregghomme.com/ I have a blue Gregg Homme Boy Toy thong in my profile that would provide an idea what they are like.