Looking for Spider-man Homecoming Suit

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posted 6 years ago
Hi, Can anyone help. After a long time searching I recently bought a new spidey suit which I thought would meet everything I wanted. And most importantly be the Homecoming design. It turned up a couple of weeks ago, but only opened last and disappointed to discover it was the AM design and nothing like the picture. Gonna sell on rather than return and continue my search. Basically want a rarely descent Spider-Man Homecoming suit, seem up the back, hood attached ( unlike one just got) but not over concerned on that, and snug fit. If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great. Oh and preferably under £100. Cheers, SMB
posted 6 years ago
A decent spiderman suit under £100? Forget it mate. Those are all crap. buy something awesome from the rpc studio (Google it) costs more but they are the best out there
posted 6 years ago
They are indeed one of the best out there, short of being Spiderman or CGI.
posted 6 years ago
I'm looking to get one as well. RPC Studio has always been recommended to me as the best option but I've also been directed to HerosTime and Zentai Zone by some as a value/budget proposition. Anybody care to comment on those? Fit is probably the most important criteria, at least for me (no loose spandex, snug everywhere). Not looking to hijack the thread. I think we can all benefit.
Deleted user
posted 6 years ago
posted by: roadbiker75
A decent spiderman suit under £100? Forget it mate. Those are all crap. buy something awesome from the rpc studio (Google it) costs more but they are the best out there
RCP looks good, might be worth the extra pennies. Cheers
posted 6 years ago
Dude. Do NOT go RPC. I will always stick with ZentaiZone. Both of the zippers on my RPC suit popped, the finger stitching is fraying, and there are several places that the suit just doesn’t fit right. Meanwhile, I’ve never had any issues at all with any of the several Spidey Suits I have gotten from ZentaiZone.