Looking for thong opinions/reviews or cheap no-longer-used thongs

posted 4 years ago
Newly getting into the comfort of wanting to thong at home or outside of work. Have 2 Muscleskins, but have also wanted to get into fireboy or arroyman. Any personal opinions on those two brands. Also willing to buy anyone’s Muscleskins, arroyman or fireboys if they’re just sitting around and not being used. Would need a size large.
posted 4 years ago
Have you tried Joe Snyder? I wear those and they are pretty xool
Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
posted by: nathan3
Have you tried Joe Snyder? I wear those and they are pretty xool
Agree on JS bulge thongs, they’re my fave. Also i have Muscleskins, Jovana Design and a number of others...but those are my tops.
posted 4 years ago
recommend gregg homme too
posted 4 years ago
try Mainstore too !!
posted 4 years ago
My vote is for Joe Snyder, N2N and Musclskins....