Looking for very skimpy posers

Shops and Sites
posted 2 years ago
I have browsed around looking for tiny posers. I see pro and amateur bodybuilders wearing them but I have no idea where they get them. If anyone knows of a vendor who sells them, please let me know. I have tried many and only one has come close to what I want. I figure guys on here could guide me in the right direction. Seamless/flat front a must and they don't have to be made professionally; a guy who knows how to sew them as a hobby and is willing to do so is fine by me!
posted 2 years ago
posted by: TightGearTony
I have browsed around looking for tiny posers. I see pro and amateur bodybuilders wearing them but I have no idea where they get them. If anyone knows of a vendor who sells them, please let me know. I have tried many and only one has come close to what I want. I figure guys on here could guide me in the right direction. Seamless/flat front a must and they don't have to be made professionally; a guy who knows how to sew them as a hobby and is willing to do so is fine by me!
A lot of them are sold on Etsy since they are semi custom - lots of options if you search poser.

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 2 years ago
ive seen posing suits on ebay
posted 2 years ago
me pasa lo mismo que a ti . no encuentro los de tipo culturista
posted 2 years ago
Muscleskins dot com is a great place for them. Plus you can customise sizing.

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 2 years ago
check out skinzwear.com

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 2 years ago
Tendenze.com is pricey, and can take a while, however you’ll get the exact cut, fit and fabric you want and Lothar (Victoria) is a master at creation to help you get the perfect suit of your dreams.
posted 2 years ago
There are quite some companies doing high quality skimpy posers and accept custom alterations (more pouch, less pouch, thong type, ...) I got some posers from Iron Eagle Posing Trunks from the UK: https://www.posingtrunk.com/ And also some posers from Jagware from the US: http://www.jagware-posingsuits.com/ I prefer the Iron Eagle ones because of the bigger pouch, Jagware is not pouched at all (no front seam).

thongpouchthongpouch liked this.