Looking to buy used Superhero suits

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Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
I am looking for used superhero suits. hese can be in any condition. L or XL I am interested in any suits, but especially interested in Flash and Captain America. Thanks guys!!
Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
I recommend you a online store maybe you are interest in these suits, they provide zentai suits, latex catsuits, and halloween costumes inlcude superheroes suits. http://www.costumesok.com/ The flash costume is here: http://www.costumesok.com/the-flash-costume-shiny-metallic-gold-and-red.html The Captain America costume is here: http://www.costumesok.com/captain-america-costume-lycra-spandex-blue-and-red.html

glovdglovd liked this.

Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
Hi I have a spidey suit I would like to sell, but it is a size medium.

glovdglovd liked this.

Deleted user
posted 13 years ago
Thanks for the offer Toot, but Medium is too small for me