posted by: tightrubber75
The photo categorie function on this website is one of the best features here. It's really nice of you are into spandex and all, but for instance only interested in thongs (not me) or skinsuits (me!).
I noticed that the categories are case-sensitive, so there are several categories for cycling shorts, a "Cycling shorts" , a "cycling short", a "Cycling Shorts" and so on.
And then there are categories split up I cannot even see the difference in. What's the difference between these:
bikini (89)
bikini (19)
bikini (40)
Maybe the admin could merge these categories and make all this non case-sensitive?
They also need to enforce the category content. Some asshole keeps posting a picture of his penis to every group and another posts pictures of a woman wearing a leotard so when I first enter the galleries all I see are pictures that have nothing to do with this group.