Montreal again…

Shops and Sites
posted 2 years ago
Hey guys i know I’ve posted about this before - but a last min trip to Montreal. Any fun and exciting shops I should check out for hot thongs and tight gear? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!
posted 2 years ago
I think it was mentioned in the other thread but Priape on St-Catherine street is always a go-to destination in the gay village. It's a sex/fetish shop but they also have some gear, swimwear and stuff like that from what I recall. Haven't been in a few years. Was in Montreal last weekend but unfortunately, was unable to go :(
Last edited: 2 years ago
posted 1 month ago
Hey guys - me again and going to Montreal for another work trip soon. Any ideas as to places to visit to buy some hot thongs? I know about Priape, Mistrbear and Armada/Men’s Room…any other spots? Last time I stopped by Simons it was pretty thin pickings! Any intel please share here or via DM! Thanks!!