My 1st time

How I got into Spandex
posted 1 year ago
I have thought long and hard about my spandex passion and what started it. I can remember as a young kid admiring a boy in my street who would wear his full cycle gear out to play. I would glance at his bulge and dream of one day wearing something like that. There was also a girl who wore the fashionable black shorts with the neon panels down the side, this was the 1980's to be clear. I used to long to try those on to. I was also noticing sportswear in general but not being sporty meant I had no reason to own any. So, my first recollection of wearing spandex was when I around 10 years old. My Mum had taken me to see friends at their caravan in South Wales and out of the blue they suggested we go swimming. My Mum had not been prepared for this so we had to buy some swimwear. The on site shop had a variety of shorts and I wanted the most expensive Adidas baggies but my Mum said no and said I had to have the cheapest. This turned out to be a pair of very tight shiny blue trunks with a boat motif. I protested but lost and off I went to the swimming pool changing rooms. Well I put these things on and got the hardest boner that I had ever had, I couldn't believe it and didn't know what to do about it. I just stared down and looked at my bulge. I left the changing rooms and felt very self conscious but as soon I was in the water it was fine. These trunks became my trigger and any time I wanted to be aroused I would slip them on and parade around my bedroom with a stiffy admiring the bulge. At that time I didn't know there was more than just a pre cum spot but that's a story for another day.....
posted 1 year ago
Great story Monty. I remember when I was in Junior High School (13 years old?), I had a buddy - Jody - that was on a swim team. He had these purple w/ white panel, 100% nylon speedos. Jeez - so translucent except for the double front panel. I think maybe that was my beginning. Then when I got super into fitness, I started rockin' spandex tights and shorts - and nylon, split leg, shorty-shorts. That was also in the 80's. Yep, those were amazing days to be sure. I still wear that stuff but feel unique doing so rather than, "the norm". In some ways, I think back-then was hotter than now. More accepted by both genders. And the gals wearing those thong-back leotards over their leggings! Yeow!
posted 1 year ago
posted by: DaPup
Great story Monty. I remember when I was in Junior High School (13 years old?), I had a buddy - Jody - that was on a swim team. He had these purple w/ white panel, 100% nylon speedos. Jeez - so translucent except for the double front panel. I think maybe that was my beginning. Then when I got super into fitness, I started rockin' spandex tights and shorts - and nylon, split leg, shorty-shorts. That was also in the 80's. Yep, those were amazing days to be sure. I still wear that stuff but feel unique doing so rather than, "the norm". In some ways, I think back-then was hotter than now. More accepted by both genders. And the gals wearing those thong-back leotards over their leggings! Yeow!
Thanks. We do have to thank the 80's for a lot of great stuff.

dpp696969dpp696969,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 1 year ago
Your spandex beginnings are almost precisely the same as mine. Aged about 10 I would go with my mum to collect my sister from her ballet class. The class always overran so we would watch the last 10minutes or so from the corner of the room with other parents and siblings. There was just one boy in her class wearing light grey ballet tights. I was transfixed by him and especially his bulge which I couldn't take my eyes off. My penis was so stiff that it hurt and remained erect until I went to sleep later. I couldn't understand what was going on but I knew I had to wear something skin tight in the near future. This happened every Monday evening for at least a year and I eventually had the idea of looking for some old trackie bottoms in my bedroom drawer. Y found a pair of blue addidas trackie bottoms which were about 2 years old and tried them on. I looked in the bedroom mirror

Lycra SALycra SA liked this.

posted 1 year ago
and saw my erection bulging in the skin tight trackie bottoms. I loved just staring at my bulge but didn't know about masturbation at that age. I remember wishing that the boy in my sister's ballet class could be with me so I could show him my bulge. I got into the habit of wearing very tight trackie bottoms most of the time as they made me feel so good but also I wanted other boys to see my bulge. When I was 12 I started running for my school just so I could wear running tights and by then I had discovered masturbation so as soon as I was home I would rub my penis through the tights to a dry orgasm. I later joined a cycling club for the same reason but by then I was blatantly staring at other boy's and men's bulges in their lycra and using those mental images as I masterbated in my cycling tights when I got home.

dpp696969dpp696969,montylycramontylycra,XerxesXerxes,Deleted userDeleted user,Lycra SALycra SA liked this.