Let's see. So prior to even knowing what actual porn was prior to my sexual awakening (which actually got triggered by spandex) a video game ended up being a form of porn...
It was either the end of the 80s or like 1990 and Nintendo was king (for home video games in the US). I can remember it like yesterday. I got a copy of double dragon an action/beat em' up game. At one point in the game two ladies in tight pink spandex outfits come down a ladder. To my surprise they have a weapon! Each of them armed with a whip. If you hit them you can knock them down and take their whip and even use it to defeat them. Most of the time this was exactly what happened (they weren't too difficult to defeat). At least earlier in the game.
Well, one day I was playing along much further in the game and two more "Linda's" popped out of a door. I had taken some damage and was on my last life. Well one of them managed to whip me a few times taking the last of my energy (and last life) making me lose the game.

At first I was a little upset having worked hard to get there, but it turned then to shock and finally shame because I was just beaten by a girl in pink spandex. Well I happened to be wearing a pair of 80s style bike shorts (it was the style at the time and was not a sexual thing - a least not yet). I kept thinking about that beaten by a girl part... Well it certainly started to become a sexual thing! I looked down and realized I was totally getting a boner in those shiny black biker shorts with the neon red and neon yellow side panels. This was a completely new feeling! It was then I kind of associated being defeated/humiliated by a female and wearing spandex. This carried on to other sporting competitions involving spandex (which I've had quite a few of you check my "Spandex Beginnings.")
It started just like that and that session kind of ended there with me turning off the game and going outside to do something else. Though I couldn't stop thinking about it and every time I did I would totally bulge in my bike shorts!
Late I would return for more "punishment" getting my character to the point in the game where spandex Linda would show up with her whip and go to work on my character whipping me incessantly (especially if I just put the controller down and watched). I was still quite new to masturbating and knew that getting a boner and touching it felt good, but that was it. So I started to touch myself over the spandex as I watched double dragon Linda defeating my character with her whip. The tight shiny material revealed almost every detail of my unit and touching it over the spandex somehow amplified the sensation of touching. Touching started to become rubbing and eventually lead to me laying on my stomach and putting my hands against the front of my spandex bike shorts (between me and the bed). I also learned to hump the bed a little as that even felt good with the spandex lubricating and amplifing the sensations.
A few rounds of restarting the game (getting it back up to that "fun" point - as the life would run out and "game over") extended this spandex humiliation fun. Sexy pink spandex Linda is up there on the screen defeating me whipping my character good as I'm rubbing, humping, and teasing in my spandex bike shorts.... Well not long and Linda gives her final whip of my character and I hear the "game over/you lose" sound and a strange sensation came over my body like a wave. I had never felt like this before and it lasted for a good 20-25 seconds. First I felt a strange sensation building in my groin area that seemed to extend through my crotch towards my butt. And not too much after I started feeling my lower body contracting.
Then it was over... (Or had it just started??) When I got up I didn't notice anything at first. After leaving the bedroom I noticed my bike shorts were wet in the front! As embarrassing as it is to say I originally thought "did I just pee myself?" For a short time I believed I had. Even after doing a few more "sessions" like this. Then at one point I started to realize the wetness directly corresponded to that really good feeling that would happen towards the end. After making that realization I took my bike shorts off still in my room and inspected them. Hmmm. That doesn't look or smell like pee. What is that? It's white and kind of sticky? Hmmm.... Yeah I know I lead a sheltered life lol.
Well I had a best kept secret at that point: one of my video games had a scene in it that could get me completely fired up and all I had to add was a spandex outfit and with it being the end of the 80s/early 90s I had a whole drawer full of different shiny spandex biker shorts as they were popular to just wear as everyday shorts back then.
It did get tricky figuring how how to clean the "sticky mess" out of them without getting asked what I was doing let alone finding a place to let them dry....
And there you have it: how I had my first ever orgasm and spandex was involved and double dragon on my nintendo was my "porno tape" (perfectly in disguise - no parent would ever suspect any funny business with said combination of video games and a spandex outfit). I attribute both my spandex fetish and the association of being defeated by a female to this early life experience.

I know I know. I'm quite strange...