My start

How I got into Spandex
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
When I was in middle school I had misplaced my watch in gym class so I was directed to the lost and found which was basically a giant bin filled with clothes. I found my watch but also found a pair of black spandex bike shorts and they felt rather interesting. I'm not sure why at the time but I took them too and washed them when I got home from school. I tried them on for fun and the feel was amazing. I loved how they looked and felt and was hooked from there.
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
I also had my first contact with lycra outfits in time for school, but I saw one my cousin using an adidas shorts. Do not resist the temptation and stole it to use hidden. The first sensation was incredible, felt really horny, I masturbated a lot. since then I have lycra clothes that I wear at home when I can. I wish I had an experience of playing with a friend, but until now not found anyone near my house ...

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