New Feature: Lycra Events

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 2 weeks ago
Hey Bulgers, I'm very excited to show you our new Lycra Events section! Our community is very scattered and events are happening all around us. But most of the time we aren't aware of them. These events are posted on widely different platform or forwarded by message. It's easy to lose track of things. πŸ‘‰ This Lycra Event calendar aims to represent the Lycra community and make it easier to live out our fetish. That could mean hot tight sex, but it could also mean a cycling tour with guys just wearing their Spandex and having a beer afterwards. We exist, we're everywhere and we're proud to be into Lycra! FIRST VERSION This is the first version and more features will come. For instance 'discussion section for each event' and 'notification when things happen with events you're interested with'. Much many events will be added and maintained in there, but I think we have to start somewhere. If you think this is a good idea and approach, I need your help to make this keep growing: Write into this thread, - what addition would be great to see on the Lycra Events page - and send me DMs about new events to be added (be it big official parties, getaway kinky weekends or cycling tour with the buddies) (Adding and suggesting events will become easier as soon as we added more and know the full data model of the events and what they need to hold.) WHAT EVENTS IS IT FOR? I think it makes sense to show all events related to Lycra. Big parties where people travel to internationally, monthly bar crawls in Lycra gear, sport undertaking with other like minded where sex is not the primary factor. Preferably we take the existing ones first. I'm looking forward to your feedback! Cheers and keep on bulging, Simon UPDATE on 5th FEB - Event page now got expanded with a comment section - I added some Event Tags like Festival, Party, Sex, Holidays or Sport
Last edited: 2 weeks ago
posted 2 weeks ago
Oh btw, check out! Spandex Party will be with its own stand in this year's Darklands! We're there to represent, to spread the word and to meet all bulgers in person. If you haven't thought about it, think about it. It's one of the kindest, kinkiest and safe space-iest Fetish Festivals I've ever been to. Let us know if you're going or thinking hard about going to Darklands by pressing the "I'm interested" button there. I'd love to see you there!
posted 2 weeks ago
posted by: spandexpartyadmin
Hey Bulgers, I'm very excited to show you our new Lycra Events section! Our community is very scattered and events are happening all around us. But most of the time we aren't aware of them. These events are posted on widely different platform or forwarded by message. It's easy to lose track of things. πŸ‘‰ This Lycra Event calendar aims to represent the Lycra community and make it easier to live out our fetish. That could mean hot tight sex, but it could also mean a cycling tour with guys just wearing their Spandex and having a beer afterwards. We exist, we're everywhere and we're proud to be into Lycra! FIRST VERSION This is the first version and more features will come. For instance 'discussion section for each event' and 'notification when things happen with events you're interested with'. Much many events will be added and maintained in there, but I think we have to start somewhere. If you think this is a good idea and approach, I need your help to make this keep growing: Write into this thread, - what addition would be great to see on the Lycra Events page - and send me DMs about new events to be added (be it big official parties, getaway kinky weekends or cycling tour with the buddies) (Adding and suggesting events will become easier as soon as we added more and know the full data model of the events and what they need to hold.) WHAT EVENTS IS IT FOR? I think it makes sense to show all events related to Lycra. Big parties where people travel to internationally, monthly bar crawls in Lycra gear, sport undertaking with other like minded where sex is not the primary factor. Preferably we take the existing ones first. I'm looking forward to your feedback! Cheers and keep on bulging, Simon
Great addition to the site.
posted 2 weeks ago
Great idea! I can’t think of a better place to host that kind of event calendar!
posted 2 weeks ago
The event calendar itself is a great addition to the site already - and I can think of a nice expansion to that: A Lycra travel calendar! This would allow those who travel a lot to put up when and where they're travelling and others could plan visits to them. Or when they're visiting one of the events... It would make planning out travels to other spandex buddies a lot easier and you can keep track of when your followers/possible meet-ups are nearby or when you can visit them.

spandexpartyadminspandexpartyadmin liked this.

posted 2 weeks ago
posted by: SpideyKev
A Lycra travel calendar! This would allow those who travel a lot to put up when and where they're travelling and others could plan visits to them.
Yes and yes! What about: have a way to enter our travel dates. then on the Feed Page we could add a row at the top with "upcoming travellers near you" with people that soon visit your country/town.

James_LycraJames_Lycra,LycreyLycrey liked this.

posted 2 weeks ago
UPDATE - Event page now got expanded with a comment section - I added some Event Tags like Festival, Party, Sex, Holidays or Sport now you can about this event via comments and also get in touch with others that are interested in the same event. πŸ’ͺ I'm about to add more events day by day, too.