New York City

Shops and Sites
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
I’ll be in NYC in a few weeks (I think, that’s the plan) and I’d like to check out some underwear shops, and/or kinky (gay) shops as well. Are there any good spots that sell thongs (not novelty ones) and places for toys for boys? Sorry there’s another post around here on this but perhaps let’s start a new one?
posted 5 years ago
Hi tell you the truth...there are far fewer quality shops than there used to be since most people buy online. If you want to catch the most shops in New York, you can go to Eighth Avenue between 23rd and 14th Streets....also don't miss NYC Leatherman on Christopher Street 111 Christopher Street . You can try on anything there from clothes, gear and accessories, and it's totally cool...the so called try on area is not so large with very small curtains so be prepared to be mostly in the open...kinda sexy!
Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
Great selection thanks for sending!!
posted 5 years ago
Thanks for the info. Have to try theleatherman - love to try on gear with small curtains :)!

virgospeedovirgospeedo liked this.

Deleted user
posted 5 years ago
posted by: hotthong1
Thanks for the info. Have to try theleatherman - love to try on gear with small curtains :)!
Great website...i’m Defo going here to try on some gear, get some toys...the play sheets sound fun!