Old website

Suggestions and site feedback
posted 10 years ago
I tried, really, to get used to this new website. But it's not easy to navigate, seems slower, less to look at , but most of all it's BORING, I really don't stay long as I did on the other. So was really happy to discover the old one is still there. I encourage others to just use that one.. http://old.spandex-party.com//User/Login.aspx
posted 10 years ago
Gotta say I love love love the new interface. It seems much more intuitive and more directed to socializing through the newsfeed. I'm glad you're able to revert to the old interface, though.

SPDesignerSPDesigner,mogwaimogwai liked this.

posted 10 years ago
I agree i dont like the new page look hehe

skinsboyskinsboy liked this.

posted 10 years ago
I gotta speak out in favour of the new site :) Just went back to the "old" link and it felt so tired and the pictures are too small - especially the old news feed. The new site is so much better and more visual - you just have to get used to the new menus and layout. But once you do it's all here, and it's well worth it!

SPDesignerSPDesigner,nycbulgernycbulger liked this.

posted 10 years ago
While the new site looks more aesthetically pleasing, the newsfeed isn't so good and is dominated by one huge photo from the last person to view you. On the old site you can see far more easily at a glance who has viewed your profile, added you as a favourite etc and it more accurately records your visitors. Annoyingly the new site doesn't show all your visitors... if they have no profile photo, they don't show up on your newsfeed. Plus the new site is more restrictive on non-paying members - on the old site you get more profile views and on the 'new photos' page you can see thumbnails of all new photos regardless of whether they were added as 'adult' or not, which you can't on the new site.

skinsboyskinsboy,hotthong1hotthong1 liked this.

Deleted user
posted 9 years ago
Old site now seems to be gone :(
posted 9 years ago
The old site was working until recently, but it I can't log into it. It was much quicker and easier to navigate (better than the new site). Any chance the web master will restore it?

d01903d01903 liked this.

posted 9 years ago
Yes, I agree, hate this new one, it's slow and unfriendly, and boring! I spent hours on the old one, Now I logon, see if there is any messages then log out....
posted 9 years ago
Yes I too was disappointed the old site has been taken down as I find the new site, although it has a more updated look, to be a lot less quick and easy to navigate. And the huge profile pics of people who have viewed my pics is way too big - perhaps if they cut that down to the size of a thumbnail rather than half my computer screen that would help.
posted 9 years ago
New site is terrible! I'm not going to subscribe if I can't use the old website. I use a laptop and this site is VERY user unfriendly. I absolutely hate scrolling pages. With the old site you could view recent pics by pages, and switch pages and skip ahead, etc. With this site you have to start from the very beginning every time and scroll down, and the more you scroll the slower it gets. PLEASE give users who don't use tablets and cell phones access to the old website!!!

wolfordwolford,hotthong1hotthong1 liked this.

posted 9 years ago
posted by: hotthong1
The old site was working until recently, but it I can't log into it. It was much quicker and easier to navigate (better than the new site). Any chance the web master will restore it?
I agree. The old site was much easier to use. I could and have had many conversations...personal ones....to which we could send messages to and get replays in English. Is that old site dead and never coming back. What a loss!! I hope it could be restored as a second original site. I s possible? Chadhunk

hotthong1hotthong1 liked this.

posted 9 years ago
I personally love the new site. Navigation is much more modern, it's responsive so it works well on smaller screens (like smartphones) and the newsfeed has improved dramatically. Also, browsing pictures on profiles is much faster. There are a few quirks here and there, but all in all I wouldn't want to go back using the old site.